
Adopting a risk-intelligent approach to digital transformation

Four traits of digitally mature organisations

Deloitte Southeast Asia and Singapore Management University (SMU) have collaborated on a joint research to examine how organisations are managing the governance, risk, and compliance aspects of their digital transformation programmes.

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the digitisation of virtually every industry and also generated a newfound appreciation for the benefits of digital
transformation. But with the proliferation of digital transformation programmes
across organisations, leaders are also beginning to understand just how complex these programmes are - it often come with high expectations, tight timelines and are fraught with change, uncertainty, and risk. 

To understand how organisations are managing the governance, risk, and compliance aspects of their digital transformation programmes, Deloitte Southeast Asia and SMU jointly undertook a set of research in the second and third quarters of 2021.

Download this report to learn more about the four markedly different
traits that digitally mature organisations display:

• They are more likely to recognise the importance of a formal and proactive
governance body;

• They regard technological readiness as their weakest governance link;

• They place the ownership of risk identification and monitoring activities with
individual business units; and

• They are more acutely aware of the regulatory compliance complexity of their
digital transformation programmes.

We further discuss several behaviours of digitally mature organisations
that could inform the development of best practices.

Adopting a risk-intelligent approach to digital transformation
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