
IPO Newsletter Issue 5/2023

Before a company can even consider embarking on an IPO journey, it must be well prepared and have accurate financial reporting to comply with stringent regulations.

Organisations must be prepared to establish strong internal controls to improve operational efficiency and ensure accurate financial reporting. Therefore, the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system will be crucial in helping them achieve solid internal controls and rigorous financial reporting. ERP is software organisations use to manage day-to-day business activities and helps plan, budget, predict, and report on an organisation’s financial results.

However, the ERP implementation process is very complex and time-consuming. ERP implementation can only deliver results if the fundamentals are in place. Therefore, choosing the right implementation strategy will increase the chances of success.

We hope you will find this newsletter an insightful read, and we look forward to connecting and discussing some of these issues in greater detail with you. In the meantime, please reach out to us should you have any questions.

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A better way to select your ERP platform

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ERP strategy and digital finance transformation

Explore why ERP strategy is important, then dive deeper via our series of perspectives on how to develop an executable ERP strategy that can help you achieve desired capabilities, setting you up for success now and into the future.

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