Paths to power


Paths to power

Advancing women in government

When it comes to gender parity, few achievements compare with the rising role of women in government. This evolution has the potential to pave the way for further gains in public and private sectors, helping women to bring their voice and talent to issues that shape national economies and societies.

Debates on the value of diversity and the empowerment and advancement of women have raged for centuries, but when it comes to gender equality, few achievements can compare with the rising role of women in government. The public sector's openness to women serves as a model for the private sector, and ultimately for women as a global workforce, but the path to achieving gender parity has been slow and uneven.

In the 21st century knowledge economy, the public and private sector continue to harness and mine the wealth of female talent to support continued growth and success. Institutional approaches to foster the advancement of women will help ensure economic competitiveness. With a critical mass of women in senior levels of government reaching around one-third representation, women’s issues begin to eclipse less gender centric issues, and pave the way for encouraging the next generation of women leaders.

Advancing women in government
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