luxury consumer


Back to school survey 2016

Shopping for the “easy A”

As summer comes to a close, parents must do their homework on the subject of back-to-school shopping. Our ninth annual back-to-school survey reveals the latest trends likely to impact spending in the 2016 school season. With school supplies, clothing, and backpacks at the top of the list, find out when and where consumers will shop, how much they will spend and on what products, how digital technologies will influence shopping behavior, and more.


  • On average, parents will spend $488 for clothing, accessories, school supplies, computers and other electronics for their children this year


  • Consumers who shop earlier will spend more, with shoppers starting before August projecting 26 percent more than those beginning in August 


  • In-store shopping will continue to dominate back-to-school season, with two-thirds of the budget for clothing and school supplies being spent in the physical store


Digital technologies and social media will continue to shape the shopping journey, with 61 percent of consumers researching online before they make an in-store purchase.

Back-to-school survey 2016

2016 Okula Dönüş Anketi

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