

For private companies

By managing change in order to maximise return, Deloitte Private supports private enterprises and individuals in minimising risk and optimising opportunities. We help you protect value over the long term by advising on transition issues such as succession planning, leadership development, raising capital, and exit strategies.

Future Leaders & Succession

Deloitte Private supports business leaders with the development of an effective succession plan including assessment, coaching, education and learning to ensure a seamless leadership transition.

Valuation & IPO

Deloitte Private advises both buyers and sellers during a transaction on all aspects of valuing companies, income generating assets, intellectual property and intangible assets.

Exit Strategies

Deloitte Private is able to advise on the most appropriate (partial) exit strategy addressing all relevant concerns (e.g. audit, tax, legal, etc.) and delivered in a consistent and timely manner maximizing return and safeguarding reputation.