
The future of mobility

How transportation technology and social trends are creating a new business ecosystem

Will technological advances and shifts in social attitudes lead to our no longer owning or driving vehicles? There is a critically important dialogue going on across the extended global automotive industry about the future evolution of transportation and mobility.

Innovative technologies are changing how companies develop and build vehicles. Today’s debate centers on whether the extended automotive industry will evolve incrementally toward some future mobility ecosystem or whether change will occur at a more radical pace and in a highly disruptive manner.

Deloitte has been engaged in a deep and broadly ranging study of the extended auto industry, the economics of alternative future states, and the potential impact of each on related industries.  This report looks at how transportation technology is going to affect future. The report contains analysis about global economic growth of the industry and other sectors that are related with the industry such as auto manufacturers, suppliers, dealers, financial services companies, oil companies, fuel retailers, aftermarket services and parts, insurance.   

The study suggests that change will happen systematically—a rising tide, not a tsunami. At no point will the world be presented with a Manichean choice and collectively decide to plunge all-in to a system of driverless, pay-per-use travel—or else to change nothing at all. Rather, the new personal mobility ecosystem will likely emerge unevenly across geographic, demographic, and other dimensions, and evolve in phases over time.




The future of mobility
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