Life at Deloitte

Career Journey: Amrit Kumar

Passionate about making an impact

Amrit Kumar is a dreamer, innovator and proponent of the philosophy that “Change is the only constant and we should learn to enjoy this”. Passionate about shaping up the Future of Health, he works with clients to lead and deliver Future of Health Transformation engagements.

1. What were some of the factors that led you to pursue your career at Deloitte?

I aspired to work at Deloitte since my B-school campus days. Back then I was unable to attend the Deloitte campus placement process as I was in Germany wrapping up my exchange program stint. It was after working with a start-up and a couple of years later, that the chance to work with Deloitte came my way again. I was looking for a management consulting career that had problem solving, travel and learning opportunities. Deloitte Consulting seemed exactly that place.

2. In your own words, how would you describe Deloitte’s distinctive culture?

Deloitte has a people first culture with a strong focus on intrapreneurship. The leadership and culture empower one to be bold with one’s ideas. It provides a culture of enhanced cooperation amongst the teams, while having opportunities to learn from some of the best in the management and tech consulting industry. The open culture at Deloitte sets the perfect ground for idea-sharing and communication with everyone alike. Moreover, the focus on diversity, equity, inclusion ensures a strong impetus on practitioners’ well-being.

3. What stands out for you as the greatest benefit of working at Deloitte?

The organization supports you to be bold and entrepreneurial in all your undertakings. It is quite unique and refreshing to have this kind of support from the organization. In short, you are always in the driving seat of your career here. For me the flexibility and challenge is the greatest benefit of working at Deloitte.

4. Tell us about your career path at Deloitte (How long have you worked for Deloitte, how has your career evolved?)

I joined the organization as a lateral hire in 2015 as a senior consultant. The first year was a steep learning curve for me where my peers and project team-mates guided and contributed to my growth as a professional. It was in the same year where I got an opportunity to support setting up an innovation capability for a large Health Insurance company. In my second year, I spotted an opportunity for creating a market sensing offering at the back of a project and lead that into a full-fledged offering by 2017. As part of the Core Business Operations team I was promoted as a Manager in 2017 working on some of the niche and large engagements, like MyPathtoWork (, where I co-created the product from conceptualization to multiple client implementations. In my current role of Senior Manager, I focus on advising clients on their Future of Health agenda and assist in building the Life Sciences and Healthcare consulting practice in Core Business Operations Portfolio of Deloitte Consulting.

5. What is one of the most memorable moments in your career at Deloitte so far? What is one of the most memorable moments in your career at Deloitte so far?

One of the most memorable moments for me was the go live of the market sensing capability and MyPath to work. This instance reinforced the culture of Deloitte— where you are not only encouraged by your leaders to play bold, but you are the captain of your own career.

The best part about working at Deloitte is after putting in all the hard work and effort, we have ample opportunities to celebrate and unwind with our team members as well. We often create a bond which goes beyond the project work and continues throughout our Deloitte journey and beyond.

Moreover, on one of the projects, I did receive an autographed white cricket ball from former Indian captain Anil Kumble as a project award, That memorabilia remains etched in my memory even now.

6. List your proudest professional and personal achievements.

Professional –I was given the opportunity to be one of the leaders for a community of our practice in the Life Sciences and Healthcare Industry. Being an integral part of setting up a Market Sensing Center of Excellence and projects like MyPathtoWork comes close second.
Personal - Undoubtedly, this has to be about becoming a father, while managing my career.

7. How do you describe what you do at Deloitte to friends and family?

I tell them that I work to make healthcare simpler, efficient, and intuitive and above all patient-focused across the globe with like-minded people that share a similar vision.

8. What has been the most interesting or surprising about working for Deloitte?

The independence of thought process coupled with the seamless collaboration of teams is interesting here. I am surprised by the ownership and accountability displayed even by our newest members. What is also interesting is the amount of time leadership invests in growing the talent. It truly reflects the people centric culture of the organization.

9. Who are you outside of Deloitte? (Hobbies, passions, interests)

I enjoy writing, winning carrom matches and spending time with people as a life coach. On a lighter note, you might be surprised to know I am a big foodie, I once ate 50 rasgullas in one go! I feel I’m still capable of achieving that again.

10. What is one piece of advice you would give to someone interested in joining Deloitte?

Be yourself. Be bold. Focus on your strengths and keep learning, because there are things to learn from every person around you, across career levels.

Amrit Kumar
Amrit Kumar

The views expressed here are of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of his current, former, or future employers or any organization with which he is associated.

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