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Travel Emissions Calculator Forecast and reduce travel emissions from a project, event, or single trip
For many organisations, including Deloitte, business travel represents one of the largest carbon footprint contributions. Understanding the climate impacts of travel choices and the levers available to reduce them is vital for achieving net zero ambitions. This Travel Emissions Calculator supports you to forecast the approximate travel-related emissions associated with your project or event, explore ways to reduce emissions, and provide data to support conversations with key stakeholders about your plans.
Journey carbon efficiency Carbon efficiency provides an indication of the carbon intensity of transport mode choices associated with each route. The scale compares the carbon emissions associated with the transport mode(s) chosen for i) the main journey(s) and ii) travel at destination to the lowest and highest carbon-emitting options. There are 3 carbon values generated based on the emission factors of available transport modes and classes for that journey: Carbon - most efficient: This is the lowest carbon emitting factor i.e. Eurostar (where applicable) OR rail. Carbon - least efficient: This is the highest carbon emitting factor i.e. 'Air – First Class'. Carbon choices defined by the user: This will change based on the transport mode and class selected by the user and will shift towards most efficient or least efficient on the carbon efficiency dial for the route.
Select Travellers Solo traveller mode is for one traveller planning a journey. For example, travel for one person to an event or meeting. Multiple travellers is a more advanced mode that allows you to add as many travellers and trips as you need. You can build a travel emission profile for complex trips or for an entire project.