About us


Impact Report 2017

Alongside our broader impact and contribution sit the key metrics through which we measure our ongoing performance.

This section is split into:

  1. Marketplace metrics
  2. Workplace and diversity metrics
  3. Community metrics
  4. Environmental metrics

Click on the tabs below to explore the data.

Finance metrics

FY15 FY16 FY17
Profit (£m) 593 608 608
Average profit per equity partner (£k) 822 837 865
Average effective tax rate per equity partner % 2 47 49 49.8
The average number of equity partners and employees, on a full time equivalent basis, during the year:

Equity partners 721 726 703
Employees 14,461 16,006 16,898
Total 15,182 16,732 17,601
Total Revenue (£m) 2,675 3,040 3,380
Service line revenue (£m)

Audit & Risk Advisory 708 824 932
Tax 590 654 691
Consulting 687 756 859
Financial Advisory 423 471 459
Switzerland 267 235 439
Industry revenue (£m)

Financial Services 998 1,203 1,285
Consumer & Industrial Products 724 786 904
Technology, Media & Communications 266 298 324
Healthcare & Life Sciences 177 221 247
Public Sector 181 188 211
Energy & Resources 169 170 184
Other 1 160 174 225
Additional financial information

  1. 1 This figure relates to the revenue generated across industries outside our main industry groups shown above.
  2. 2 Includes National Insurance contributions as well as income tax.

All figures represent UK and Swiss operations (and exclude CIS and Financial Advisory Middle East operations)

Workplace and diversity metrics

FY15 FY16 FY17
Workplace and diversity

Investment in learning and development* £28.5m £34.7m £36.3m
Total number of graduates, school leavers and interns recruited 1 1,577 1,765 1,667
Number of school leavers hired through Deloitte's apprenticeship scheme, BrightStart 1 61 105 205
Standard voluntary attrition rate 17% 15.6% 15.2%
Number of partner and director promotions* 206 309 323
Number of promotions across the business* 4,422 4,944 5,370
Women - executive roles 20% 23% 23%
Women - board roles 2 25% 25% 25%
Women - partners* 3 15.4% 16.4% 17.7%
Women - employees* 43.8% 43.4% 43.4%
Average mean gender pay gap across Deloitte 4 17.8% 16.8% 18.2%
Average median gender pay gap across Deloitte 4 -- -- 15.3%
Average mean gender pay gap within grade pools 1.5% 1.8% 2.5%
Average mean bonus pay gap across Deloitte -- -- 50.9%
Average median bonus pay gap across Deloitte -- -- 39.1%
BAME - partners 5 -- -- 4.64%
Deloitte People Survey: Employee engagement index 6 65% -- 67%
Deloitte People Survey: Inclusion 7 76% -- 77%
  1. 1 Figures reported relate to those joining Deloitte UK in autumn 2016. (The 280+ school leavers reported in the main narrative references those who joined in autumn 2017.)
  2. 2 This figure includes the three INEs and Caryl Longley as Secretary.
  3. 3 We are committed to increasing the number of female partners to 25% by 2020 and 30% by 2025.
  4. 4 Figures reported for FY17 are not directly comparable to figures reported for FY15 and FY16, because the calculations required under The Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017 are slightly different to those we used in previous years. View full details of our gender pay gap.
  5. 5 This is the first year that we have measured and tracked the number of BAME partners. We are committed to increasing the number of BAME partners to 10% by 2021.
  6. 6 The Deloitte engagement index is taken from our UK biannual People Survey and measures satisfaction, willingness to recommend to others as a place to work, pride and commitment. The information is then collated to form an index that links these key business metrics and provides a proxy for our people’s engagement with the firm.
  7. 7 The percentage of people agreeing in our People Survey with the statement “At Deloitte, I am respected as an individual.”

* These metrics include UK and Switzerland.

Community Metrics 1

One Million Futures strategy 2 FY15 FY16 FY17
Total 'Futures' impacted as part of One Million Futures Strategy N/A N/A 138,165
Major 'Futures' as proportion of total Futures impacted 4 N/A N/A 9%
One Million Futures - total number of society partnerships N/A N/A 54
Community contribution 5      
Total firm contribution 6 £8.3m £6.8m £4.7m
Number of community volunteers 3,204 3,753 3,449
Community volunteering hours 7 41,579 46,801 31,258
Deloitte Access - est. number of students directly supported
3,000 4,500 4,870
  1. 1 The introduction of a new 5-year One Million Futures (OMF) strategy has meant a step-change in how we measure and report on our wider contribution. This year we are presenting a range of new community metrics forming the basis for how we will report progress towards the overall OMF goals.
  2. 2 Our social impact strategy ‘One Million Futures’ aims to support a million people get to where they want to be - raising aspirations, improving skills and developing leaders. The strategy launched on 1st June 2016 and will continue for five years.
  3. 3 The Basis of Reporting for calculation of Futures is available here. The Deloitte Sustainability Services Team has performed a limited verification of data used in the calculation of OMF, tracing a sample of data back to source and seeking evidence. This work does not constitute a complete review nor provide assurance as to the accuracy or completeness of the reported information.
  4. 4 Our approach to measurement of OMF differentiates between Major impacts on Futures (e.g. via direct employment) and Minor impacts on Futures (e.g. skills development gained via Deloitte employability workshops). More details on the OMF measurement approach is contained within the OMF Basis of Reporting.
  5. 5 All community contribution data is reviewed at source by the Deloitte Responsible Business team. Our external evaluation partners Social Enterprise UK and Renaisi test and challenge all of our reported information and the underlying processes. We act upon any recommendations and lessons learned in informing our future Responsible Business activity.
  6. 6 The historical reporting process for community activity at Deloitte followed an externally assured Global CR reporting framework. As part of this framework we reported ‘discounted work’ to UK-based clients with public service outcomes and / or charitable status – this included the value of services delivered beyond a benchmarked “break-even” point with other professional service firms. As part of the new approach to measurement and reporting for OMF we have decided to remove this methodology from our process – this ensures the contribution and impact reported is that directly provided through our OMF strategy and programmes. For comparative purposes previous years community contribution have also been restated to reflect this methodological change.
  7. 7 The inception of a new strategy and focussed society programme around OMF combined with the selection and set-up of over 50 new society partner relationships has reduced the level of volunteering opportunities available this year. However, we are confident that both the volunteering numbers and hours contributed will increase in future years as the overall programme develops.

Scope of community data is UK only.

Environmental metrics

Carbon Emissions (tonnes CO2e)

FY15 FY16 FY17
Scope 1 emissions 1 2,834 2,781 2,685
Scope 2 emissions 2 2,910 3,006 3,230
Scope 3 emissions 3 40,186 43,191 47,441
Total emissions 45,930 48,978 53,356
Total emissions per FTE
3.03 2.93 3.03
  1. 1 We measure our carbon footprint using the GHG Protocol methodology. Scope 1 refers to all direct GHG emissions, in which we include gas consumption, generator fuel, fugitive refrigerant emissions and our owned-vehicle fleet.
  2. 2 Scope 2 are indirect GHG emissions from our consumption of purchased electricity, heat or steam within our buildings.
  3. 3 Scope 3 are all other indirect emissions that we feel are significant to our operations, including our travel covering reimbursed private cars, rental cars, air travel, rail travel, bus travel, taxi travel and hotel stays; waste disposal from our offices; and transmission and distribution losses from our procured electricity.

Performance against Our Green Journey targets

View GHG Emissions Statement

Area Target
FY16 FY17 Progress (1-yr) Progress vs. target Target date
GHG emissions Reduce scopes 1, 2 and 3 emissions (tonnes CO2e) by 35% per FTE 4.29 2.44 2.56 5% -40% FY21
Energy efficiency Reduce emissions intensity from energy usage (tonnes CO2e)by 40% per FTE 1.51 0.40 0.38 -5% -75% FY21
Water consumption Reduce potable water consumption (m3) by 30% per FTE 8.91 6.96 7.83 13% -12% FY21
Waste production Reduce quantities of waste production (tonnes) by 20% per FTE 0.16 0.13 0.12 -8% -25% FY21
Paper usage Reduce paper consumption (kg) by 50% per FTE 58.13 31.10 22.96 -26% -61% FY21
Travel Reduce travel-related GHG emissions (tonnes CO2e) by 25% per FTE 2.76 2.52 2.63 5% -5% FY21

These metrics include the UK and Switzerland.

View GHG Emissions Statement

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