
Deloitte FTSE 100 Defined Contribution (DC) Pensions Survey

The end of one size fits all

October 2016

The DC Pensions Survey looks at the most recent pensions trends across the FTSE 100 employers. Today, the majority of employees are being enrolled into DC plans. However, even that picture is changing. The long-term savings future will not be a ‘one size fits all’ option. It will be about guiding employees to find the most effective and flexible way of funding their future.

Throughout the report, we illustrate where the market is, but we also look ahead to the future and the trends that we are already seeing emerge.

Key findings

  • No final salary plans are being offered to new hires
  • Unbundled trusts make up just 18% of the plans offered to new hires
  • Matched contribution designs are used by the majority of employers
  • Average employer contributions offered are 9.9% of basic salary
  • Age-related contributions have all but vanished
  • The majority of plans are still targeting annuity purchase

If you would like to find our more or obtain a copy of the survey please contact the DC pensions team or one of the key contacts below.

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