
Improve – Analytical Environment & Assurance

Developing best in class analytical processes and providing confidence in modelling

In today's data-driven world, having a robust analytical environment is paramount for any organization. It's not just about collecting data; it's about understanding it, making informed decisions, and ensuring the highest level of quality and assurance in your analytical processes.

Common Pain points we hear:

Click on each section below to learn more about the common challenges the organisations face:

Do we have a culture that allows for quality analytics?

Without a culture of relying on quantitative analysis for decision making, it can be harder to get critical stakeholders on board.

How do I improve my planning processes and culture?

There is often a culture of understating plans, in order to increase the chances of beating expectations. Meaning companies struggle to accurately plan for the future.

How do I improve my ability to identify and execute deals?

Uncertainty around the quality of models within the business, which has significant consequences for financial reporting and decision making.

Is this model free from error?

Uncertainty around the quality of models within the business, which has significant consequences for financial reporting and decision making.

Can I trust these numbers?

Lack of confidence in outputs generated from models and a over reliance on key team members, with no back-up options.

We are here to help on how you can enhance your analytical environment, assess your current capabilities, and develop best-in-class processes that instill confidence in your organization's data-driven decisions.

We understand that achieving excellence in analytics requires a strategic approach. Here's what we do:

  • Diagnostic Assessment & Deep dive analysis
    Our journey begins with a diagnostic assessment of your current analytical environment. We carefully evaluate your existing processes, tools, and data management systems to gauge the maturity of your analytical capability. This assessment helps us identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. Once we have a clear picture of your current state, we conduct a deep dive analysis. This involves a detailed examination of specific risks within your modelling and analytics. We pinpoint any bottlenecks, data quality issues, or procedural inefficiencies that might be holding your organization back.
  • Demystifying Excellence
    Our goal is to demystify what it takes to reach best-in-class status in analytical processes. We provide you with a roadmap, clearly outlining the steps and strategies necessary to achieve excellence. This roadmap serves as a guide for your organization's analytical journey.
  • Cultural Transformation
    Improving your analytical environment often requires a cultural shift. We work with your teams to encourage a culture of data-driven decision-making. This cultural transformation is essential for sustainable improvements.
  • Deployment of Accelerators
    To expedite the journey toward excellence, we deploy accelerators – specialized tools, technologies, and methodologies designed to enhance analytical efficiency. These accelerators streamline processes and maximize the value of your models and data assets.
  • Training and Knowledge Transfer
    Knowledge is power. We provide comprehensive training to your teams, ensuring they have the skills and knowledge needed to leverage the analytical environment to its fullest potential. Knowledge transfer is a critical component of our services.

Improving your analytical environment is not just a goal; it's a necessity in today's competitive landscape. Our services are designed to empower your organization with the tools, insights, and confidence needed to excel in analytics. By assessing your current capabilities, demystifying the path to best-in-class status, and facilitating cultural change, we pave the way for efficiency, innovation, and data-driven success.

In the realm of data-driven decision-making, model assurance and assessment play pivotal roles in ensuring the reliability and effectiveness of your analytical tools. These solutions help you answer critical questions about the suitability of your models for supporting business decisions. In this article, we'll explore the various levels of model assessment, from the preliminary "red flag report" to the comprehensive full scope review.

Model assurance is the bedrock of data integrity. It ensures that your models are robust, reliable, and fit for purpose.

We have a range of flexible assurance options to be selected based on your needs and objectives. Here's a breakdown of the key types of model assurance we can provide:

  • Model Assessment Red Flag Report
    This is a preliminary "red flag report” on your model. This initial assessment serves as a litmus test to identify potential issues and areas of concern within your models. It's a crucial step that informs critical next steps. The overarching question in model assurance is whether your models are suitable for supporting the requirements of your deal or business decision. The red flag report helps you gauge the alignment of your models with your specific goals.
  • Limited Scope Review
    For a targeted approach, consider a limited scope review. This involves a meticulous inspection of a single model version. The outcome is a detailed list of comments and observations, providing valuable insights into model performance and compliance.
  • Full Scope Review
    In cases where comprehensive validation is imperative, opt for a full scope review. This entails a complete model recalculation and reconciliation, referencing documented logical and data assumptions. It's a thorough process that is our preferred option when data fidelity and model accuracy are paramount.

Model assurance and assessment are indispensable components of data-driven decision-making. They serve as the guardians of data integrity and reliability, providing the confidence needed to make critical business choices.
Whether you begin with a red flag report, opt for a limited scope review, or embark on a full scope assessment, these stages are pivotal in ensuring that your models align with your goals and deliver the insights required for informed decisions.

How it helps

Analytical Environment & Assurance offer a multitude of benefits that significantly impact your organization's success:

1. Greater Confidence in Decisions
By subjecting your models to rigorous assessment, you gain greater confidence in the decisions they inform. Model outputs can be trusted, empowering your organization to make strategic choices with certainty.

2. Consistency Across Models
Implementing a standardized approach to model assurance ensures consistency across all analytical tools in your organization. This consistency fosters efficiency and minimizes the risk of discrepancies or errors.

3. Upskilled Teams
Through diagnostics and training and, your teams gain valuable skills and insights. This upskilling enables your team to be more self-sufficient and reduces key person risk, ensuring that critical knowledge is not concentrated in the hands of a few individuals.

In a world driven by data, your organization's success hinges on the reliability of your analytical processes and models.

Contact the Business Modelling & Analytics team to embark on your journey to analytical excellence and to discuss how we can tailor model assurance and assessment to meet your specific needs.

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Key contacts

Martin Davitt

Martin Davitt


Martin is a senior director within Deloitte’s dedicated modelling centre of excellence, who leads the team’s Model Review activities. A Chartered Accountant, Martin has over twenty years of experience... More

Charles Lamb

Charles Lamb


Charles is a director in Deloitte’s dedicated business modelling & Analytics centre of excellence with over 14 years of experience advising a range of clients and leads our Financial Planning & Analyt... More