
Customs Declarations Made Easy: Meet CustomsClear [On Demand]

Dbriefs Webcast

Tuesday 3 May 2022
(This webcast will run for 30 minutes)

Host: Dan Barlow

Presenters: Matt Jeavons

In the current climate it can be a challenge moving goods into and out of the EU. There may be issues with added costs, extra paperwork, and the uncertainty about where goods are in the customs process at any given time. Deloitte gets it. That's why we built CustomsClear - easy-to-use software that helps UK businesses submit customs declarations. How can your organisation improve its customs processes? We’ll discuss how to:

  • Save time.
  • Reduce costs.
  • Simplify how to trade with the EU.

Join our introductory demo to see CustomsClear in action and discover what this could mean for your organisation.

This is the first in a series of 30 minute Customs sessions. Each week we will explore a different hot topic that organisations are thinking about. Look out for more details in our future newsletters.

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