
Data Transformation Services

During any stage of an M&A process whether it be a divestment, carveout or acquisition, the understanding and organisation of data can assist to reduce risk, cost and delays.

Managing the review of an entire data landscape, both structured and unstructured, during a transaction lifecycle can be complex with data existing across multiple sources and legacy repositories.

A data transformation exercise can be both challenging and time consuming. If not carried out correctly this could have a significant impact on the cost of a transaction, lead to regulatory fines and potentially negative legal consequences.

How we can help

Our Deloitte Discovery and Data Management specialists are experienced in identifying and analysing data across a firm’s repository landscape. We will provide insight and intelligence to help an organisation efficiently identify key content that may be critical to a pre or post-transaction process.

We use analytics and technology to create insights using the available data to help stakeholders and decision makers locate, collect and prepare deal related materials, making data accessible for both sell and buy side teams.

Key contacts

Nick Conway

Nick Conway


Nick is a Partner in Deloitte UK’s Forensic Technology practice. Having qualified as a barrister in London and worked within the legal technology industry for 25+ years, Nick's experience extends to l... More