
Forensic Risk Advisory

With organisations under fierce public scrutiny and a tighter legal and regulatory focus than ever before, it’s vital to establish an effective fraud risk management system. We can help you to build a dynamic prevention framework that not only identifies any vulnerabilities, but also highlights the steps you need to take to protect your assets and maintain shareholder value.

Fraud prevention

Fraud prevention is crucial. Once fraud or misconduct is reported the strongest of reputations, however long established, can be impacted very quickly.

At Deloitte, we draw on years of experience of working with clients across a wide range of industries and multiple jurisdictions. We provide proactive help and support alongside in-depth analysis that quickly identifies any vulnerabilities, developing powerful fraud response strategies that keep your organisation protected. Once these strategies are in place, we continue to monitor the ever-changing regulatory and economic landscape to identify new and emerging fraud risks and take the appropriate actions.

Our team of financial crime specialists combine extensive knowledge and skills with a proven methodology. Developed and evolved over years of experience, this represents a comprehensive, structured approach to developing your fraud risk management framework. 

Fraud Risk Framework Review

A review of your organisation’s policies and procedures, alongside discussions and interviews with a cross-section of your staff. This helps us to assess the effectiveness of your existing risk management system and to design and implement the remediation activities you may need.

  • Fraud Risk Assessment workshops: These interactive sessions with both staff and management allow us to identify and prioritise the diverse risks facing your organisation.
  • Cultural Assessment: We use a survey tool to gain insight into your organisation’s ethical culture by investigating employee perceptions of key facts that might contribute to, or mitigate, your organisation’s vulnerabilities. We then provide management with a detailed analysis of employee understanding and awareness of all the issues surrounding fraud and misconduct.
  • Fraud Monitoring and Detection: Using data analytic tools, we analyse large volumes of data, allowing us to identify potential financial crime activity within your organisation. Data analytics are also a vital element of our risk assessment and target compliance processes.