
Deloitte Private Next Generation CFO Programme

Knowing what’s ahead

At Deloitte, we have seen first‑hand how the role and responsibilities of CFOs have become increasingly complex in the last decade. In addition to the challenging credit and equity markets and a volatile and uncertain economic environment, CFOs face heightened scrutiny, greater accountability and an increasingly active investor community. For those aspiring to the CFO role, the pressure and burden can seem overwhelming and a huge step up from their current responsibilities.

The Deloitte Private Next Generation CFO Programme has been designed to help aspiring CFOs navigate the next step in their career and prepare them for the diverse responsibilities of becoming CFO.

The programme supports the next generation of CFOs in developing the crucial skills and capabilities of the modern day CFO. The Programme removes the mystique surrounding the role and illustrates how the complexities and challenges a CFO faces are also what makes the role exciting and rewarding.

To find out more about the Deloitte Private Next Generation CFO Programme please watch the following short film.