

2019 future of cyber survey

Cyber everywhere. Succeed anywhere.

As the world becomes smaller, cyber is getting bigger, and it’s moving in multiple dimensions across multiple disciplines—beyond an organisation’s walls and IT environments and into the products it creates, the factories where it makes them, the spaces where its employees conceive them, and where its customers use them. It is at the center of digital transformation. Understanding that is as transformative as cyber itself—and to be successful in this new era, organisations should embrace a “cyber everywhere” reality.

Why did we do it?

Our Global Cyber practice set out to gain insights into how leaders are embracing the concept of “cyber everywhere;” how they are operating in the new cyber norm, and how they are collaborating with partners and other key stakeholders.

The Deloitte 2019 future of cyber survey was conducted in conjunction with Wakefield Research among 500 C-level executives who oversee cybersecurity at global companies with $500 million or more in annual revenue including 100 chief information security officers, 100 chief security officers, 100 chief technology officers, 100 chief information officers, and 100 chief revenue officers.

With our survey report, our goal is to put the numbers into context and expand the dialogue and acceptance of cyber everywhere so that organisations are not limited by it but empowered to embrace the opportunities it will create.

As one of the leading and largest cybersecurity risk advisory practices globally, our team of more than 4,000 cyber risk professionals continues to walk alongside leading global organisations to help them more confidently plan and execute an integrated cyber strategy that empowers business growth through transformative innovation.

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Cyber risk

The findings might surprise you

We uncovered that there is a stark disconnect between aspirational transformation goals and the reality of finite resources for many organisations, and we suspect that our survey respondents are not alone. On the contrary, with all the hype around the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, and other technologies comes the realisation that strategically securing “everything” is near impossible. Organisations are grappling with how to embrace a cyber everywhere reality and what that literally means in terms of prioritisation, alignment, and resources.

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Charting a course to the future of cyber

So how are organisations adapting to the new realm of cyber everywhere? Well, some might say they are all building the plane while they’re flying it. C-suite leaders explained how they were constructing their “planes” and what tools they were investing in to ensure that they could safely land and take off again tomorrow, and the next day and the day after that. Download the full report to gain insight into how organisations can integrate cyber into an enterprise-wide effort to achieve their desired business outcomes.

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