
The Deloitte Football Intelligence Tool

An interactive and intuitive digital tool providing comprehensive financial and non-financial data in respect of the largest European leagues

For 30 years the Deloitte Sports Business Group (SBG) have been producing the authoritative literature on football finance. Through our flagship publications the Annual Review of Football Finance and the Deloitte Football Money League, we provide the most contemporary and reliable independent analysis of clubs’ relative financial performance. The Deloitte Football Intelligence Tool (FIT), developed with Deloitte’s data analytics and Tableau Software specialists, presents the wealth of data in an online, visual and functional format.

The Tool is available to our clients through a subscription agreement and you can find out more by contacting us here.

What does the Deloitte Football Intelligence Tool provide?

The Deloitte Football Intelligence Tool provides access to comprehensive intelligence on the European Football market, facilitating research and benchmarking.

This digital solution allows the user to manipulate data in a quick and easy to use format utilising leading technology to display many of the data points contained in the Football Money League.

FIT contains financial and non-financial information relating to clubs from the ‘big five’ European leagues (the English Premier League, Spanish La Liga, German Bundesliga, Italian Serie A, French Ligue 1) and the English Championship, with users able to select one or more clubs by location in accordance to their needs. Users can plot the charts based on a range of league level metrics, such as revenue, wage costs, profitability and average attendance.

The Tool’s comprehensive database of information is presented in an easily accessible and interactive dashboard format, allowing the user to create bespoke peer groups for analysis and data interrogation.

Users can create their own peer groups by filtering by a variety of possible metrics such as stadium size, whether a club has played in European competitions, their average attendance or their league position. Users can then see where their highlighted club is relative to their own user selected peer group.

Accessed online or via mobile, the experience is enhanced further with the ability to download information directly to desktop and export this in excel format.

Please contact Deloitte Sports Business Group to organise a demonstration of the Tool or to receive further information.

Key contacts

Timothy Bridge

Timothy Bridge


Tim is a Partner in the Sports Business Group, having qualified as a Chartered Accountant with a degree in French and Spanish. Tim works extensively with Governing Bodies, National Associations, Clubs... More

Calum Ross

Calum Ross

Assistant Director

Calum is an Assistant Director in the Sports Business Group leads much of the Group’s work in Governance and Regulation, from the perspective of running effective, efficient and sustainable sports org... More

Tom Hammond

Tom Hammond

Assistant Director

Tom leads Deloitte's Sports Business Group’s work on environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives, works with ‘sports for good’ organisations and governing bodies to develop related strategi... More