
Technical Accounting and Reporting Advisory Services

Providing support as issues arise or collaborating long term

Businesses are demanding more from CFOs, CAOs, controllers, and their teams—requiring these professionals to be more agile and dynamic while remaining efficient. Add the need to attract and retain finance and accounting talent, and the strain can be immense. Through our deep technical accounting and reporting experience, our advisory services help companies meet today’s challenges.


Complex accounting and reporting challenges

Preparing financial statements is more challenging than ever. Market downturns can increase demand for impairment analyses, evaluations of changes to financing arrangements, and possible evaluations of whether a company can continue as a going concern. In addition, market upswings may shift the focus to topics like acquisitions, divestitures, and IPO readiness and execution. All the while, companies must manage status quo implementation of new accounting standards, meet reporting requirements, and ensure accounting policies are appropriate—and retain or have the right talent to perform the work.

Support that is responsive to your needs

Our accounting advisory professionals can help you meet these challenges—either as specific technical accounting or reporting matters arise, or by engaging with your finance and accounting organization on a more consistent and long-term basis with our cosource services.

Deloitte knowledge and experience

We have experienced advisers with holistic accounting and reporting knowledge across GAAP, IFRS, and SEC requirements; we have a track record of understanding and supporting accounting positions; and we have the ability to identify potential issues and help you address accounting and reporting matters early. We bring our experience as auditors of companies in all stages of their life cycles. We understand accounting and reporting complexities, as well as emerging issues in the marketplace, and provide solutions to help across company and across industries.

Our technical accounting and reporting advisory services range from advising on complex technical accounting questions on an ad hoc basis, to assisting your accounting and reporting team on a more sustained basis through our cosource services.See the different services we offer

Our technical accounting and reporting advisory services range from advising on complex technical accounting questions on an ad hoc basis, to assisting your accounting and reporting team on a more sustained basis through our cosource services. Our services can include, for example:

  • Assisting your management to design and cosource accounting and reporting on a longer-term basis
  • Conducting accounting research on complex transitions and questions including, but not limited to financial instruments, stock-based compensation, business combinations, consolidation, revenue recognition, lease accounting, debt/equity determination, impairments, and going concern
  • Assisting with drafting or providing observations on accounting policies, positions, and technical memos
  • Assisting with financial statement disclosure preparation
  • Assistance with calculating quarterly earnings per share (EPS)
  • Providing guidance on converting from one basis of accounting to another (e.g., GAAP to IFRS)
  • Conducting trainings for your organization, including education on new or proposed accounting and reporting standards
  • Assisting with IPO execution and other capital raises
  • Assisting new public companies with financial reporting requirements

Custom services supporting a company’s unique life cycle

Every company is in a unique stage of its life cycle, each of which presents its own accounting and reporting challenges. We can help you address these with confidence and be ready for the next stage by providing tailored assistance so you can meet your objectives in today’s complex and evolving accounting and reporting environment and be ready for the next stage. Our custom strategies are designed to enable your professionals to work more efficiently, benefiting the entire organization by freeing up valuable company resources to focus on business imperatives and priorities. Some examples where we may offer our assistance include:

Life cycle stages

Topics to consider for each stage

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 Accounting and reporting services
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Let's talk

Jamie Davis

Jamie Davis

Partner – Audit & Assurance | Deloitte & Touche LLP

Jamie currently is a clearing partner in Deloitte's National Office Accounting and Reporting Services group, where she consults with engagement teams on complex accounting matters, focusing on financi... More

Neil Laverty

Neil Laverty

US Advisory Principal | Deloitte & Touche LLP

Neil is a principal at Deloitte Risk & Financial Advisory, specializing in Accounting & Reporting Transformation in the Technology, Media, and Telecommunications industries. Neil has an extensive back... More

The services described herein are illustrative in nature and are intended to demonstrate our experience and capabilities in these areas; however, due to independence restrictions that may apply to audit clients (including affiliates) of Deloitte & Touche LLP, we may be unable to provide certain services based on individual facts and circumstances.

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