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AI/ML with AWS: Are you deriving business value from your investments in artificial intelligence?

You’ve seen the ways cloud migration, modernized data platforms, and analytics can help you make decisions. Now it’s time to rethink your approach—by experiencing the power of an AI-fueled organization.

The moment for “what if” is over. Real enterprises face real challenges and pursue real opportunities, and artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are ready to produce results you can measure.

Now is the time for a hard look at the differentiated business value these evolving technologies can help you achieve. That will take a unique combination of capabilities, but you don’t have to do it alone. Deloitte & AWS are here to help you on the journey.

The turning point

Working together, Deloitte and AWS bring AI/ML out of the test lab and into the crucible of everyday accomplishment. It takes knowledge of your industry and organization, alongside knowledge of the technology, to help you turn the corner from “we have this” to “we use this.” Yesterday, it was impressive that you added the ability to analyze documents by the millions. Or perhaps you consolidated disparate data sources, launched a chatbot, or built a computer vision demo—all feats that would have been front-page news not long ago. The question today is: What value did it deliver?

The answers spring from your core strategy—from inventing new products and services to managing your workforce, from reinvigorating your supply chain to enhancing regulatory compliance, or even creating a whole new business model. In the Age of With, it takes a practical ecosystem of applied technology to unlock the barriers that stand between you and the places data modernization and AI/ML can take you next. Thanks to their shared practical experience, Deloitte with AWS can help you realize power with purpose.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning hotspots

The applications of AI/ML are famously expansive, but some of the most compelling progress is happening in a handful of fast-moving areas, including MLOps, Conversational AI, and Computer Vision.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning hotspots

Machine Learning Operations

Machine learning is like any other tool—it has to operate within rigorous quality controls. MLOps takes AI/ML by the hand to help instill the discipline and repeatability that wide-scale production requires.

Conversational AI

Tools like natural language processing (NLP) have the potential to transform communication—but first they need to integrate with the rest of the business. Solutions such as Deloitte’s TrueServe™ and AWS Contact Center Intelligence (CCI) can put you on the cutting edge.

Computer Vision

Like the human brains they emulate, AI/ML systems need eyes. Training machines to analyze visual information at exponential scale and speed has vast potential impacts in areas like supply chain optimization or worker safety.



What’s your path forward with AI and ML? Technology alone can’t set the agenda, and strategy alone can’t propel you forward. Working together, Deloitte and AWS can see your business and its growing capabilities as part of a coherent whole.

How Deloitte and AWS can help

Together, Deloitte and AWS offer an unparalleled breadth of services that span the strategy, implementation, and operation of AI/ML platforms and systems that make a real difference. Hundreds of major public- and private-sector organizations have relied on our deep relationship to understand their needs and deliver on them. When the vision for a system and the ability to put it into action flow from one seamless place and inform one another, there are no gaps for anything to fall through.

See where you land by benchmarking your organization against the research on the current State of AI in the Enterprise.

Read the report and take the 3-minute quiz here.

Deloitte and AWS in action

Port of Vancouver improves supply chain visibility with computer vision-based container tracking.

Global financial services organization improves agility and cost savings with modernization.

See how to provide a more enlightened and enhanced customer experience utilizing AWS Connect.



Learn more about how Deloitte + AWS is where innovation meets impact

Ready to get started?

Please reach out! We are eager to learn about your plan and discuss how our solutions can help transform your contact center to differentiate your customer experiences.

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Meet our leaders

Diego Saenz

Diego Saenz

Managing Director | AWS Lead Alliance Partner (Data + AI)

As a Managing Director within Deloitte, Diego focuses on incubating, building, and scaling the next generation AI-powered businesses. He does this by connecting with Fortune 500 companies, VCs, ecosys... More

Manoj Suvarna

Manoj Suvarna

Managing Director – AI Ecosystems

Manoj is a managing director for AI Ecosystems within the Technology Strategy & Partnerships team. In this role, he represents Deloitte’s AI practice in, identifying & executing ecosystem relationship... More

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