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Contract intelligence: Transforming TMT industry

Optimizing CLM processes for effective tech contract management

The TMT industry is fraught with unique challenges, from supply chain disruptions to regulatory pressures and margin fluctuations. In collaboration with Icertis and SAP, Deloitte is addressing these issues head-on by leveraging advanced contract life cycle management (CLM) solutions. Explore the significance of contract intelligence in the TMT industry and its potential benefits in providing a robust foundation for companies to thrive amid complexities.

Trials in the TMT terrain

The TMT industry is buzzing with innovation but also grapples with formidable challenges. Chief legal officers (CLOs) are tasked with confronting issues ranging from supply chain risks—accentuated by trade tensions—to changes in product demand and consumer spending, which underscore the need to bolster slumped margins and revenue. Macroeconomic pressures are prompting companies to seek new growth areas. The industry is also witnessing a surge in new regulations as stakeholders around the world push for greater transparency, leading to increasingly complex compliance processes. Amid these challenges, attracting and retaining skilled talent remains an uphill battle for many companies.

Contract intelligence in TMT

The necessity of contract intelligence

In this complex landscape, contract intelligence is taking center stage. There’s a growing emphasis on technology investment, data management, and a shift of focus to post-award phases of contracts. With increased digitization, contract management is emerging as a critical function to maintain operational efficiency and competitive advantage. Implementing CLM can yield substantial benefits:

Increased satisfaction among business stakeholders

  • Enhanced relationships with internal clients
  • Demonstrable improvement in voice-of-customer key performance indicators
  • Elevated view of legal department and contracting function

Freeing up attorneys’ time to work on strategic matters

  • Intelligent contract triage and delegation to alternative resources
  • Self-help facilitation

Reduced risk and improved contract compliance

  • Standardized and enhanced contracting process
  • Potential reduction in revenue leakage
  • Discounts and other financial incentives monitored and realized
  • Ongoing template improvement
  • Ongoing performance obligations management

Automated and intelligent data insights

  • Visibility into where your contracts are and what’s in them
  • Real-time management information and reporting that drive business intelligence
  • Increased visibility into negotiation patterns

Reduction in contracting cycle time and cost per contract

  • Process streamlining through removal of bottlenecks, automation, and speed to execution

CLM client chronicles

Companies across the globe have entrusted Deloitte to provide a broad range of technology-enabled contracting and sourcing processes. This has resulted in significant savings for scalability, increased cycle times, and improved contract compliance.


Global CLM rollout

Conducted an assessment and implemented an end-to-end CLM organization, process, and technology for a global enterprise. In addition to organizing alignment workshops to keep the existing CLM in sync with the new CLM system, the new CLM operating model was rolled out globally across four geographic regions and more than 15 countries. This resulted in significant savings for scalability as the client continued its revenue growth.


CLM operate documentation

Retained to conduct a CLM assessment for a large company, resulting in the documentation of a future-state operating model detailing the processes, policies, organization, and technology required to achieve the identified savings.


Increased cycle time and compliance

Engaged in implementing a CLM system on behalf of a large global organization. Scope included end-to-end integrations for enhanced automation, master data, and template management workflows. We have successfully migrated approximately 20,000 highly complex contracts with more than 35 metadata fields on behalf of the client, improving the client’s cycle time and contract compliance.




Shaping the future of CLM with a game-changing collaboration

The end-to-end CLM process is set to revolutionize the TMT industry. Advanced CLM can also ensure it remains competitive in this dynamic sector. By transforming contracting processes into a strategic value driver, the collaboration between Deloitte, Icertis, and SAP is helping prevent or manage procurement delays, revenue leakage, and lack of insight into contractual risk. TMT enterprises are now equipped to achieve better speed and efficiency across the contract life cycle, improving governance and risk management by streamlining, automating, and transforming their CLM processes. These new capabilities can herald a promising future for the TMT industry, making it better equipped to navigate its unique challenges and seize growth opportunities.


Scott Read
Deloitte Transactions and Business Analytics LLP

Angie Halderman
Vice President
Deloitte Services LP

Lewis Christian
Managing Director
Deloitte Tax LLP

AJ Kulkarni
Specialist Lead
Deloitte Consulting LP

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