SIFMA Annual Meeting 2023


SIFMA Annual Meeting 2023

Explore capital markets trends, financial regulation, investment management, and more

Welcome to the SIFMA Annual Meeting 2023 in Washington, DC

November 6 – November 7, 2023

Deloitte is proud to be a sponsor of the SIFMA Annual Meeting. We encourage you to discover some of our latest resources on relevant topics such as our banking industry outlook, capital markets regulation, cybersecurity insights, and more. The resources below can be downloaded to your device.

Featured Insights:

2023 Capital Markets Regulatory Outlook

Major changes are coming to the US capital markets. Organizations should prepare now for significant shifts imposed by new regulations. Explore the key capital markets regulation trends that will impact your organization in 2023.

Accelerated Settlement final rule is announced by the Securities and Exchange Commission

On February 15th, 2023, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approved a final rule to transition the securities settlement cycle in the United States from two days to one on May 28, 2024. Per an SEC press release in 2022, shortening the settlement cycle is intended to “better protect investors, reduce risk, and increase operational efficiency” across capital markets infrastructure. This is one of the most impactful pieces of regulation in recent years, profoundly affecting market participants across the industry not only in the USA, but around the world.

An ambitious agenda for capital markets regulation

The heavy volume of regulatory changes in the financial services industry increasingly requires organizations to expend extensive resources to interpret new regulations and implement a sustainable compliance operation. In this research paper, we explore how active investment management and capital markets regulation is impacting firms and what they can expect going forward.

For further reading:

Get in touch

Roy Ben Hur

Roy Ben Hur

Managing Director | Deloitte & Touche LLP

Roy is the Digital Assets Financial Services leader for Deloitte Advisory. He has been a consultant in the financial services industry for over 23 years and brings deep industry experience and a backg... More

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