11 Aug The Profound Impact of IoT Digital Twins in Supply Networks

Episode 89
The digital twin can be hierarchical – representing environments, systems, products and even parts. When digitizing supply networks with digital twins, the network can be a digital twin of its systems, which can be digital twins of their assets, which can be digital twins of their parts which themselves can be digital twins. Sound complicated? It doesn’t need to be. Start at the level of the hierarchy that returns the most value and proceed from there. In this episode of the IoT Business Show I speak with Dr. Lane Warshaw and Aaron Parrott about the digital twin and its profound use in digital supply networks.
In this episode of the IoT Business Show, I speak with Dr. Lane Warshaw and Aaron Parrott about the digital twin and its profound use in digital supply networks.
Lane and Aaron support the development and deployment of IoT for digital supply networks. Lane focuses on data management, data warehousing, big data, and cloud while Aaron develops analytic solutions to address his clients’ most difficult business needs.
At this point in IoT’s evolution we are still trying to agree on what a digital twin is but the next step is standardization. In the near future, a major asset sitting on company balance sheets will be digital twin intellectual property – a DT for every physical product sold. Once standardized this value will pop. Being able to seamlessly drop the DT into different apps, simulations and analytics will greatly simplify their use and realize their value. We are not there yet but until then, compartmentalize the development of your digital twins so they are logically separated from the software environments they’re used in.
Here’s What We’ll Cover in this Episode
- Digital supply networks.
- Is IoT a subset of big data or the other way around?
- Big data management strategies and IoT.
- Standardizing the digital twin.
- The business approach to deploying digital twins.
- Virtual aggregation and the structure of the digital twin’s IoT data.
- Best practices for developing your digital twin.
Mentioned in this Episode and Other Useful Links
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