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Grants Management

We support public sector and commercial entities by providing services across the grants management life cycle.


Our experience

Deloitte has more than 40 years of experience assisting with the design, modernization, implementation, administration, monitoring, and close out federal and state grant programs. We have helped clients across a broad range of complex missions - health, financial services, infrastructure, sustainability, and disaster recovery to enhance the impact of billions of grant dollars.

Our services

We help clients accomplish the strategic goals of their grant program and design operationally efficient capabilities through training, process reengineering, policy development, and technology enablement. Because client needs and priorities vary, we organize our services into Disaster and Non-Disaster grants management.

Our disaster grants offering assists federal, state, local, higher education, and private non-profit (PNP) entities as they recover from natural and human-made disasters. Our services and solutions focus on assisting these entities to manage or capture the funds distributed through the suite of federal grant programs supporting community recovery.

Grant management and administration

We assist clients in the management and administration of grants related to Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Public Assistance (PA), Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Community Development Block Grants - Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR), and Federal Highway Administration - Emergency Relief (FHWA-ER).

Grant monitoring and oversight

Our team brings decades of monitoring and oversight experience, including FEMA, CDBG-DR, and other federal recovery programs.

Hazard mitigation

We assist our clients with their FEMA grants associated with sections 404, 406, and 428 of the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP). In addition, we also assist our clients with FEMA Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) grants and CDBG Mitigation (CDBG-MIT).


Building on our extensive experience helping clients manage the risks and opportunities associated with diverse and complex grant programs, we assist grantors and grantees in applying for and administering grants with end-to-end services and solutions for programs in health and human services, transportation, education, infrastructure, and community development among others.

Grants strategy

We assist our clients in analyzing current risks, capabilities, and capacity as well as help reduce future uncertainty related to the pursuit of grant-funded ambitions.

Grant capabilities transformation

We configure and implement impactful enhancements to governance, talent, process, and technology capabilities that help clients facilitate more effective, efficient, and compliant grant activities and outcomes. We advise on designing and implementing organizational infrastructure for entities across the grants management ecosystem, including grantors, grantees, and subrecipients.

Grant program administration

We leverage technology-enabled assets and hybrid-operate capabilities to assist with the operationalization of end-to-end grants management responsibilities, including application intake, case management, eligibility determination, reimbursement processing, reporting, compliance monitoring, and closeout of grant programs issued under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), and Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors (CHIPS) Act.


Our approach

We focus on program-wide aspects of grants management and compliance with government-wide standards, including implementation of pre- and post-award risk assessments, disaster responses, audit preparedness, oversight over business processes, and implementation of internal controls to support strong stewardship of grant funds.

Analyze funding opportunities that align with long-term priorities and goals, while also maximizing available federal funds.

Support adherence to eligibility requirements, collect required documentation, and review applications prior to submission.

Assess and adhere to contractual terms and conditions associated with the awarded grant funds.

Disburse funding, perform subrecipient monitoring, collect data, and monitor compliance. QA/QC disbursed federal dollars to grant-funded projects, allocate the applicable amount of grant funding at the subrecipient level, and perform ongoing compliance and monitoring activities to adhere to program and federal regulations and reduce the risk of fraud, waste, and abuse.

Assist in the preparation of federal audits and confirm that final documentation has been submitted by the recipients and subrecipients of the grant funding.

Our core capabilities

We help our clients address complex challenges across the entire grants life cycle with our services and solutions. Leveraging our leading-edge grant tools and accelerators, we help clients simplify and accelerate the recovery experience. Additionally, we offer a suite of technology solutions and services through Deloitte's GovConnectGRANTS™: a repository of configurable modules that can facilitate the work our clients do at every phase of the grants life cycle. Using our core capabilities, we have assisted many clients to effectively reduce cost, create collaborative synergies, achieve quality and consistency of audit trails, and foster confidence in generating meaningful and lasting results.

Strategic planning
Systems development and integration
Budgeting and cost allocation
Gap remediation and internal controls
Business process automation and staff augmentation
Transaction reconciliation and analytics
Compliance, performance monitoring, and oversight
Grant fund maximization
Curricula development and training
Executive dashboards and reporting
Risk assessment and program governance
Audit readiness and remediation
Applicant technical assistance and eligibility review
Policies and procedures development
Diagnostic analysis and benchmarking
Project closeout readiness and execution

Who we work with

We assist grantors responsible for large grant programs. Assistance may include activities to execute end-to-end grants management functions to shared service offices that build and maintain enterprise-wide grants systems. We also use analytics to help grantors increase efficiencies and use data visualization and reporting to enhance federal oversight.

We assist state grantees who are administering federal funds to their subrecipients. Assistance may include activities to establish strategy; business processes; and grant operating models, along with grants management systems and tools for reimbursement requests; closeout; and financial modeling/accounting assistance; as well as private and public-facing dashboards.

We assist local government and higher education subrecipients with their various grant needs. Assistance may include applying for federal grant programs, grant formulation, understanding compliance requirements, project management, reporting and accounting, technical assistance, and other grant-specific requirements.

We leverage our experience working with federal and state governments to help streamline processes for commercial entities that are new to the federal grant world. We assist them in using federal grant funding, application creation, aligning policies and procedures to federal regulations, project design and management, cost tracking, and reporting.

Get in touch

Linus N. Akanoh, Jr.
icon-phone +1 512 203 3476 icon-email icon-linkedin
Ryan Foughty
Managing Director
icon-phone +1 214 402 8096 icon-email icon-linkedin
Rebecca Lady
Managing Director
icon-phone +1 571 814 7653 icon-email icon-linkedin

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