
The first ingredient in a world-class ethics and compliance program

Tone at the top

The tone at the top sets an organization’s guiding values and ethical climate. Properly fed and nurtured, it is the foundation upon which the culture of an enterprise is built. Ultimately, it is the glue that holds an organization together.

Key differentiators

What separates a “good” ethics and compliance program from a “great” one? While there are a number of factors that separate the “good” from the “great,” in our experience, there are five factors that are key differentiators in the highest performing compliance programs:

Click here to download a compendium that provides details about all five ingredients. This 32-page document allows for easier reading and reference.

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Tone at the top

This article takes a look at “tone at the top.” Learn how the board, the chief executive officer, and the chief compliance officer play critical roles in setting the tone at the top.

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