
Neville Jiang

Washington National Tax | Federal Tax Accounting (Periods, Methods, and Credits) Group

Partner | Deloitte Tax LLP

Neville Jiang

1299 Pennsylvania Avenue

NW, 10th Floor



United States


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Neville works on federal tax accounting matters, specializing in methods of accounting, timing of income and deduction, and inventory accounting matters.

Neville joined Deloitte from a law firm, where he focused on federal tax accounting and tax controversy matters. This involved litigating before the Tax Court, Court of Federal Claims, as well as supporting clients during examination and IRS Appeals. Before that, he was in the IRS Office of Chief Counsel, Income Tax & Accounting. While at the IRS, Neville drafted numerous letter rulings and collaborated with Treasury officials on policy and administrative tax accounting guidance. He also worked closely with trial attorneys from the IRS Office of Chief Counsel and Department of Justice on tax accounting litigation matters.

Neville holds a BS in Accounting from Virginia Tech and a JD from University of Maryland School of Law.

Neville Jiang