Sukuk in focus

The necessity for global common practices

For nearly two decades, many financial regulators and investment institutions around the world have strived to strengthening practices in Islamic capital markets, particularly Sukuk which represent a key investment asset class.

This industry whitepaper is published by Deloitte’s Islamic Finance Knowledge Center (IFKC) in the Middle East, as part of its Islamic Finance Insights Series, in collaboration with the International Shari’ah Research Academy for Islamic Finance (ISRA). The themes, topics and practice reviews and analysis of selected key markets have been researched leveraging on our specialist skills and sector expertise, engaging leading industry institutions and prominent leaders to uncover these challenges and opportunities.

The report discusses the drive to promote efforts to enhance the functionality of Islamic capital markets amidst the increasingly fragmented Islamic financial marketplace. In doing so, we believe, the Sukuk market ought to have better common practices globally as a prerequisite for building effective Islamic capital markets.

This series of Islamic finance insights deliberates on a number of business practices relevant to the Sukuk market developments in Asia, the Middle East and Europe. The analysis was structured based on three broad categories: enhancing Shariah governance in line with the objectives of Shariah and global sustainable development goals (SDGs), the strategic role of industry institutions to harness good practices, and current regulatory and policy support initiatives in the selected markets.

To reflect on global investment practices, we have invited industry experts to share their perspectives on processes and principles of sustainable investment that will harness the case for global common practice of the Sukuk markets.

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