Outsourcing and Shared Services 2019-2023

Global, Middle East and UAE industry outlook

The OSS industry has exhibited this in the past, and will continue to do so in future. Across the world, the OSS industry has entirely transformed and enhanced the way organizations operate over the past 40 years. 

From tapping into economies of scale to pooling resources and expertise, businesses and governments can now provide services they could not before, far faster and more cost-effectively.

In recent years, innovations and advancements have given rise to new exponential technologies, leading to the digital disruption and transformation not only of organizations, but also of entire industries and even nations. Of these, cloud computing (CC), robotic process automation (RPA), and artificial intelligence (AI) are taking hold in the OSS industry and anticipated to have a significant impact going forward. 

As the rate and pace of technology and digital disruption increases, organizations are struggling to stay relevant, fueling the need for OSS to sustain competitive advantage. Equally, such disruption is also rapidly transforming the OSS industry itself, leading to new and evolving service delivery models. This presents not only new challenges for the industry, but also opens up new frontiers and opportunities for OSS buyers, vendors and operators across the globe.

In this context, Deloitte has collaborated with Dubai Outsource City (DOC) to assess the current state of the OSS industry, study the latest challenges, trends and opportunities associated with such transformational technologies and anticipate the impact this will have on the industry’s future.

The whitepaper studies the OSS industry across these dimensions from a global, regional and local UAE perspective, where the UAE is one of the key OSS hubs and gateways to serving Arab countries across the Middle East. Based on this, the report provides an outlook of the OSS industry and offers a way forward for buyers, vendors and operators to capitalize on the opportunities that are present across the region.

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