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Perspective: Government continuity

Government continuity

Operationalise government services for a COVID-19 world

In conjunction with the dedicated response required for the COVID-19 crisis, government like other organisations must focus on the “business of government” by ensuring that service delivery is restored, scaled up and even redesigned to operate in a COVID-19 world. While the initial focus has been on government continuity planning, the pressure is now on to operationalise services in a time of unprecedented change.

This will require the application of alternative models of delivering services and re-allocation of resources as required. This will require alternative workforce strategies and the readiness of the workplace to manage the containment of the pandemic. Lastly this will require various measures to strengthen Occupational Health and Safety structures within institutions to adequately manage the workforce.

In this article, we look at Five key capabilities required to give effect to such a strategy, each of these capabilities can be considered and customised based on the needs of different institutions. The capabilities are as follows:

  • Analysis of services
  • Prioritisation of services to be restarted
  • Re-design of services
  • Workforce strategy assessment options
  • Change management
  • Implementation on planning
  • Workplace readiness


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