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Deloitte Legal

Where legal meets business

Blending business experience and legal excellence, we deliver comprehensive solutions designed to address the evolving needs of the Chief Legal Officer. 


Business solutions built on legal excellence

As Chief Legal Officers, you are demonstrating value and delivering on business outcomes every day. You are expected to affect revenue and growth, manage risk and lower costs. And you are taking on a more pronounced and integrated role in company decisions—from the onset. Legal is becoming an essential enabler of the business.

That’s why you and your executive colleagues need a business partner pulling in the same direction. Deloitte Legal professionals see the law as empowering, not confining. We help you to address the Issue that matter most to your organisation. We bring business solutions to legal Issue and legal solutions to business Issue. Plain and simple.

And with us, you get more. Deloitte is at the forefront of emerging technologies, including Generative AI and continues to build its strong tech-forward reputation. We bring lawyers with experience in technology as well as legal consultants and technologists with access to decades of industry knowledge.

With our global reach and proven approach, we’ll navigate the ever-shifting legal and business terrain together—supporting you every step of the way through unprecedented change and transformation.

Explore Deloitte Legal services

Growing your business: M&A

We help ensure end-to-end that acquisitions and disposals are conducted swiftly and seamlessly to realise better outcomes while avoiding legal pitfalls.

Nurturing your workforce: People

With both growing social expectations and legal protection, we put in place robust arrangements that support you in attracting, motivating and retaining the best talent.

Increasing your control: Contracts

We help you control and manage all your contractual business relationships to improve effectiveness and unlock value throughout their lifecycle.

Generative AI: The future of legal work?

Based on our recent survey of corporate legal departments, explore the potential for Generative AI and how it will have a transformative, far-reaching effect on legal departments:

A once-in-a-generation change in productivity. Not only do the vast majority of respondents believe that Generative AI will have a moderate to significant impact on how legal work is performed, many predict that it will render some legal tasks obsolete. Explore more of our perspectives and the results from our Generative AI survey for corporate legal departments

Efficiency and productivity tops the list of benefits, followed by an enhanced legal experience for clients and legal professionals as well as the ability to improve legal service delivery and unlock new capabilities. Explore more of our perspectives and the results from our Generative AI survey for corporate legal departments

Generative AI will drive a fundamental shift in the legal workforce and in-house external mix, with the ‘unit cost’ of delivering legal services decreasing. This will present CXOs and GCs with strategic choices about how and where to invest additional capacity created by the use of Generative AI. Explore more of our perspectives and the results from our Generative AI survey for corporate legal departments

Legal departments will need to act swiftly and decisively if they are to meet high ambitions for adoption, particularly as current adoption levels are low. Legal should be seeking to overcome barriers—particularly financial—by making the case for Generative AI to be a priority investment area. Explore more of our perspectives and the results from our Generative AI survey for corporate legal departments

The external legal market will be disrupted with those embracing Generative AI gaining competitive advantage. Legal departments are looking for leading firms to play a vital partnering role in the adoption of Generative AI on initiatives like proofs of concept. Explore more of our perspectives and the results from our Generative AI survey for corporate legal departments

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