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Ready to Operate

Societies today face a growing set of complex challenges which require major programmes to engineer significant change. These programmes are integrated into complex ecosystems which are inherently difficult to operate, control and evolve. Getting operational readiness right is critical to maximising benefits, and helps to manage the reputational risk that programmes bring. No matter the industry and nature of your programme, our experience can help you tackle the risks of being ready to operate.

The Case of Readiness

Operational readiness enables organisations to act early to minimise disruption, effectively embed new infrastructure within their organisation, and optimise operations to ensure the benefits from investment are realised.

"Operational Readiness isn’t a final check, it shapes how and what the Programme delivers"

Core Principles

Over the last few years we have supported many major programmes across the UK and globally. Through those experiences, we believe that three core principles are critical to successful operational readiness