
GDPR Benchmarking Survey: The time is now

How are organisations facing the challenge of complying with the GDPR?

Deloitte conducted a General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) benchmarking survey across a sample of organisations and industry sectors in EMEA to examine how organisations are facing the challenge of complying with the most radical overhaul of data protection laws in a generation.

The aim of this survey was to understand how organisations are preparing for GDPR compliance, how advanced their implementation plans are, and how confident they are of achieving their goals by 25 May 2018.

The results indicate that organisations are taking a wide range of readiness approaches, driven by the combination of the potential for significant fines, the increased obligation to demonstrate proactive compliance as well as the complexity and ambiguity of some of the requirements. The survey responses show that approaches to compliance and remedial spending vary widely.

GDPR Benchmarking Survey: The time is now

In addition, the report also examines other matters related to compliance with the GDPR and makes pragmatic recommendations on how to comply with the areas respondents feel present the greatest challenges. Most importantly, this report considers how privacy can become more than a compliance exercise; how it can become a real business asset and enabler, and maybe even a competitive advantage.

More information?

For more information about GDPR, please contact Klaus Julisch, Florian Widmer.

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