
The Future of Field Service is here

The insights of digitization during the Future of Field Service event  

During Deloitte Digital’s Future of Field Service event on May 20th, service oriented businesses had the opportunity to think along how we can move forward to a more customer-centric, emotionally intelligent and digitalized ecosystem. How can we use personalized and data-driven technologies to leverage the human experience and deliver excellent service?

Riding the wave of digital disruption

During the event, Jeroen Panken highlighted these five key themes or disruptive characteristics in the digital transformation towards the Future of Field Service. Find more about our insights in our POV and blog here.

Your Field Service strategy revised

As Steven de Ridder explained during the event, companies have a need to revisit their Field Service strategy. This is enforced by the Covid-19 pandemic and a rapidly changing IT ecosystem, in which new sources of value and ever-increasing customer expectations make this demand more urgent. Common challenges, such as complex integration into the existing IT landscape, slow workforce adoption, and insufficient executive buy-in, make this strategy shift a complex puzzle.

However, when a technology enabled service transformation is done right, this leads to revenue increase, service costs reduction and improved customer satisfaction. Start by prioritizing service basics and ask yourself how optimize your on-field operations and processes. How can you use tech and data to capture the maximum value? And how to incorporate this into your field workforce to improve employee and customer experience?

Transforming workforce management

Heike Dekker emphasized how demographic and technology trends are changing the nature of work of Field Services. Think about how automation and impact on jobs, data and AI, and diversity and generational change are influencing how your company is evolving. In Field Service, we see a shift in ways of working, with a higher demand on a new type of skills, working remotely with more technology, and using more advanced, predictive planning and scheduling. As Heike mentioned, lots of momentum yet struggle how to initiate and accelerate the shift. To support this transformation, leadership needs to think, react and act differently.

Futureproof Field Service cases

We also shed a light on two client cases, presented by Ka Lok Liu and our respective clients. The first is a large electricity and gas provider and operator. Their challenges lied with unstructured client data, having no central request management system and working from paperwork. After a successful Salesforce implementation, they centralized their information and increased operational performance. Consequently, cross field service department collaboration was made possible and customer satisfaction increased. Next, the second business case demonstrated a large automotive company that was product-focused, worked in silo’s and was digitally underinvested. By using Salesforce CRM and Field Service features, they were able to increase their business value, serving customers online, increase quality and enable growth. 

Elevate your Field Service experience

Additionally, we showed how Salesforce can support in making your Field Service processes more futureproof during a live demo. Would you like to know more about how to digitalize your services and how Deloitte can support you with this? Read our blog and POV article linked on this website. 

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