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Deloitte in Yorkshire and the North East

Committed to the growth of the regional economy and local businesses, we offer a range of advisory services from our Leeds and Newcastle offices across a wide range of industries and sectors such as Financial Services, Public Sector, Private Markets, Manufacturing and Consumer Business.

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Leeds Crane Survey 2024 - Momentum Continues

Leeds has spent 2023 continuing to deliver great regeneration projects at the heart of the city centre and has set the groundwork for continued delivery over the coming years. It has also begun to diversify and intensify the city centre offer. The momentum has been strong despite the challenging economic climate and there have been 16 new starts in 2023 remaining above the Crane Survey annual average of 14.

Explore the survey

Financing Yorkshire’s Green Transition : Yorkshire Climate Action Coalition event 14 June 2023

We recently held our Yorkshire Climate Action Coalition Green Finance event in the Deloitte Leeds office. The event was co-hosted by Deloitte and Walker Morris We heard from several fantastic speakers from the financial services sector including Lloyds, NatWest, UKIB and YBS.

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