
Breakthrough Beginnings: Creative problem solving with Coe Leta Stafford

Discover the benefits of design thinking and how to apply them to solve big challenges

Delve into this episode as Coe Leta Stafford and host Kim Christfort explore the benefits of putting people first and leveraging human-centered approaches to solve complex problems. Coe is no stranger to creative problem solving and her expertise helps listeners understand that the deeper path to solving business problems requires a change in the mindset, not only the behavior.

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Creative problem solving and the benefits of design thinking

This podcast, featuring IDEO U’s co-founder, focuses on the multi-dimensional nature of human-centered design and discusses living with the problem as a way to work through solutions layer by layer understanding not only the behaviors of the customer, but the mindset causing the behavior. This way of creative problem solving offers a unique approach to fully understand every layer of an issue, before finding a solution and getting to breakthrough.

The mindset is – go into it with curiosity. You might come up with some difficult conflicting learnings, but that's exactly why you need to have them. Because if you want to get to authentic spaces, it needs to start with an awareness of where the conflict is.


Kim Christfort: When you're up against a big challenge, sometimes the hardest thing to do is sit with it. We live in a world where we're rewarded for solving problems that arise immediately and efficiently. And contemplation without action can be seen as unproductive. That said, we know that to truly drive transformative innovation, investing time in deeply understanding a problem before attempting to solve it, is critical to creating real positive change.

Coe Leta Stafford: "The mindset is – go into it with curiosity. You might come up with some difficult conflicting learnings, but that's exactly why you need to have them. Because if you want to get to authentic spaces, it needs to start with an awareness of where the conflict is."

Kim Christfort: Our guest today is a leading expert on creative problem solving, partner and design director at IDEO and Co-founder of IDEO U. Coe Leta Stafford is a master of embracing the ambiguity of an unsolved problem and has committed her career to helping others be able to do the same.

About Breakthrough by Design

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How can you get to Breakthrough? Find out on Breakthrough by Design, the podcast of innovative and engaging conversations with a diverse array of guests: from scientists to CEOs, from actors to athletes. This podcast stems from the recently launched book, The Breakthrough Manifesto: 10 Principles to Spark Transformative Innovation, co-authored by our host, Kim Christfort and Dr. Suzanne Vickberg.

The Breakthrough Manifesto is a collection of 10 visionary principles to obliterate barriers to change and ignite a whole new level of creative problem-solving. Drawing upon decades of experience working with the world’s best-known organizations and their teams, the authors provide practical advice that goes beyond “business as usual” for successfully tackling intractable challenges.

Learn more at www.breakthroughmanifesto.com.

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