
Breakthrough Book: Change your way of thinking, change the world

Introducing The Breakthrough Manifesto: 10 Principles to Spark Transformative Innovation

Stuck in a rut? Tune in as Paul Silverglate, Deloitte’s Executive Accelerator leader, sits down with authors Kim Christfort and Dr. Suzanne Vickberg to talk about their latest book, The Breakthrough Manifesto: 10 Principles to Spark Transformative Innovation, and how the practical methods within can help you get to breakthrough.

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Innovation in business is found through breakthrough mindsets

Based on more than a decade of work with individuals, teams, and organizations, The Breakthrough Manifesto codifies 10 principles to achieve breakthrough—a way of thinking that opens eyes to new possibilities, and a way of acting that converts that potential into impact. Co-authors, Kim and Suzanne discuss this 2-part book with Paul Silverglate, Deloitte’s US Head of Executive Accelerators, and how the practical strategies can lead to transformative innovation.

I talk with people all the time who get stuck, whether they're individually stuck or their team is stuck on something, and I just really love that this is a way to help them see new possibilities and try new things that can help them get unstuck.


Kim Christfort: Finding new approaches to problem solving to get the results you desire might be closer than you think. 

Suzanne Vickberg: I talk with people all the time who get stuck, whether they're individually stuck or their team is stuck on something, and I just really love that this is a way to help them see new possibilities and try new things that can help them get unstuck.

Kim Christfort: That's coach, author and researcher, Dr. Suzanne Vickberg. And I'm Kim Christfort, Chief Innovation Leader with Executive Accelerators at Deloitte and your host of Breakthrough by Design. On this episode, we're mixing things up and bringing in a special guest host, Paul Silverglate, leader of Deloitte's Executive Accelerator's team within Clients and Markets Growth. Paul sits down with Suzanne and me to talk about our latest book, the Breakthrough Manifesto: 10 Principles to Spark Transformative Innovation. And with that, I'll turn it over to you, Paul. Welcome.

About Breakthrough by Design

To listen to more episodes in the series, visit the Breakthrough by Design library page.

How can you get to Breakthrough? Find out on Breakthrough by Design, the podcast where we chat with a diverse array of guests: from scientists to CEOs, academics to athletes, exploring what it takes to get to breakthrough. After years of research and working with executives in the field, we have found that there are specific principles and techniques that, when applied with intention and regularity, can enhance your chances of achieving real breakthrough. In each episode we invite a unique expert to help us dig deep into different aspects of these principles, sharing intriguing insights, tactical tips, and surprising stories around how to devise, develop, and drive transformative innovation.

We’ve codified these 10 principles into a recently released book, The Breakthrough Manifesto: 10 Principles to Spark Transformative Innovation, co-authored by our host, Kim Christfort and Dr. Suzanne Vickberg. To learn more, visit www.breakthroughmanifesto.com.

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