
Breakthrough Bites: Overcoming limiting beliefs with Jason McKinney

Shark Tank to Truffle Shuffle: Strip away everything to reach big, bold goals

Listen in as Jason McKinney, Co-founder and CEO of Truffle Shuffle, shares the challenges that left him with no other choice than to Strip Away Everything, question his assumptions, and adopt a beginner's mindset. In this podcast, we hear about how Jason and his team empower each other to be part of the solution and embrace being relentless in pursuit of maximum smiles.

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Challenging assumptions and adopting a beginner’s mindset

In this episode, Jason shares how he went from chef to an entrepreneur of a fast-growing business and what it took to make it happen. Listen to his journey as we hear how being relentless, empowering and trusting his team and thinking differently led him to the successes he has found today.

I just stared at myself in the mirror and after about five minutes, this little voice was like, if you are relentless, you can do it. If you are relentless, you can make this happen.


Kim Christfort: When you're stuck on a tough problem and your mind just keeps revisiting the same ideas over and over again, it can help if you strip away everything, set aside what you think you know, question your assumptions and adopt a beginner's mindset. 

Jason McKinney: I just stared at myself in the mirror and after about five minutes, this little voice was like, if you are relentless, you can do it. If you are relentless, you can make this happen. 

Kim Christfort: That was Jason McKinney, an entrepreneur who leveraged his background as a French Laundry trained chef and knowledge of unique ingredients to build a shark tank backed business, Truffle Shuffle, that continues to push the envelope of what's possible in cooking, in business and arguably in life. I'm Kim Christfort, Chief Innovation Leader for Executive Accelerators and the Deloitte Greenhouse. You're listening to Breakthrough By Design, where we chat with a diverse array of guests, from scientists to CEOs, academics to athletes exploring what it takes to get to breakthrough.

About Breakthrough by Design

To listen to more episodes in the series, visit the Breakthrough by Design library page.

How can you get to Breakthrough? Find out on Breakthrough by Design, the podcast where we chat with a diverse array of guests: from scientists to CEOs, academics to athletes, exploring what it takes to get to breakthrough. After years of research and working with executives in the field, we have found that there are specific principles and techniques that, when applied with intention and regularity, can enhance your chances of achieving real breakthrough. In each episode we invite a unique expert to help us dig deep into different aspects of these principles, sharing intriguing insights, tactical tips, and surprising stories around how to devise, develop, and drive transformative innovation.

We’ve codified these 10 principles into a recently released book, The Breakthrough Manifesto: 10 Principles to Spark Transformative Innovation, co-authored by our host, Kim Christfort and Dr. Suzanne Vickberg. To learn more, visit www.breakthroughmanifesto.com.

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