Local Community Benefits of Zero Emission Vehicles in Australia
Leading the charge towards net zero emissions
Deloitte was engaged by The Australian Conversation Foundation (ACF) to examine the potential benefits of a shift to Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEV) in Australia.
The study considers three scenarios that incorporate three increasingly ambitious ZEV uptake rates and estimates the potential benefits (avoided costs) to the community between 2022 and 2050. The three scenarios are as follows:
- a general scenario
- a ZEV driven transition to net zero, and
- a swift hybrid transition to net zero.
The report finds that:
- Scenario one, a gradual ZEV uptake, will result in $233 billion (NPV 2021) in avoided costs to the community.
- Scenario two, a ZEV driven transition to net zero, will result in $335 billion (NPV 2021) in avoided costs.
- Scenario three, a swift transition to net zero and increased share of public transport, will result in $492 billion (NPV 2021) in avoided costs.
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