
Useful Tips

Some advice from our team

Your CV is your opportunity to sell the skills, experience and achievements you have that make you a good match to the opportunity you have applied for and Deloitte.

Nuran Kerimov, Managing Partner

Nuran Kerimov has some sound advice for applicants. “Quality of the content and clarity of your resume is extremely important. No matter how lengthy your experience it, avoid long resumes (to me two pages is the maximum). It is very important that the information about your education, skills and experience is well noticeable.

My recommendations for the interview: first of all, come on time to the interview and maybe even slightly earlier. Make sure you look professional: if in doubts, wearing business is always safer. Do some advance planning: learn about the organization that you are applying to, its business, history (not necessarily the entire history), major trends in that industry, competitors, etc. Thank those who interview but don’t overdo it.

Pay attention to body stance, voice tone; never avoid looking into eyes of your conversation partner and have a right portion of smile on your face.

You need to make sure you come across self-confident (this is different to arrogance). Be honest: if you left your prior job because you have been asked to, if asked, don’t lie about it. Instead, demonstrate why the current job opportunity is appealing to you.

In interviews I always ask about future career plans: be very clear what you want that job and how long you plan devoting yourself to it. Don’t lie but don’t hesitate stating clearly your grand goals: to become CEO of the company!”

Tural Hajiyev, Director, Risk Advisory

Tural, as a Risk Advisory Director, recommends that candidates provide specific answers to interview questions.

"Responses must be based on concrete examples. It also would be very helpful to bring examples of your achievements not only from your college years, but from the high school period as well. To get prepared for the practical part of the job interview you need to find out about the people who will interview you. Use social media or your personal contacts to gather information about your interviewer’s preferences during an interview".

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