Impact Day
CSR Initiative
Deloitte Azerbaijan together with “Birgə və Sağlam” Public Union for autism has contributed to the greening of Baku’s landscape.
On 27 December 2015, a charity bazaar, co-sponsored and co-organized by Deloitte Azerbaijan, was held in Rotunda Hall of the Landmark Business Center in Baku.
The event was organized as a part of Big4 for Big Change, the mostly anticipated joint social responsibility action along with the other Big 4 firms – EY, KPMG and PwC.
As an outcome of conjoint collaboration with local Big4 member firms, Big4 in Azerbaijan has officially released a unique 2015 Calendar of Big4 for Big Change calendar.
The calendar was created from the paintings of very talented kids from the "Ümid Yerı" private orphanage in Baku.
More than 40 employees, directors, partners from Big4 member firms in Baku joined the New Year activities for kids, shared a fun of face painting and interesting performances of magician for kids, showed and sold their
paintings, handcrafts etc. A great number of beautiful and New Year characteristic things fulfilled the tables on the fundraising charity bazaar, for example, “gingerbread house" masterclass for kids from Landmark Business Center.
The income of this charity bazaar went directly towards purchasing the gifts for each of the kid in the “Ümid Yerı" orphanage.
We are very proud of being a part of this great move that is in line with a very idea of Making impact that matters, Deloitte’s new global strategy slogan.
This is how we make an impact that matters - for children in need and for society!
Charity Kids’ Day
On 13 June 2014 the Deloitte Azerbaijan held its first Charity Kids’ Day in cooperation with SOS Children’s Villages to sustain its Family Strengthening Project.
The aim of the event was helping children who may otherwise not have access to the parental care they require and deserve.
The event was part of the International Children’s Day Charity Project initiated by Deloitte and The Landmark to support SOS Children’s Villages.
People made generous donations to this worthy cause while enjoying the relaxing atmosphere of the party with their friends and colleagues. Donation boxes were located around the restaurant where the gathering took place.
Download the Kids' Day photo report 2014