
Tax considerations for M&A

Analyzing tax complexities, putting together a detailed strategy and drawing up a viable implementation plan can be differential in terms of returns in mergers and acquisitions. 

Although tax aspects alone are not motivators for establishing a M&A deal, they can end up being relevant drivers – especially in LatAM and Brazil, where tax laws are complex and could really compromise an operation.

In this context, Deloitte Tax Advisory experts developed an article for the 5 minute reading series that presents six points of attention related to taxes in an M&A scenario:

  • Robust financial model
  • Debt vs. equity funding sources
  • Valuation & due diligence
  • Purchase price allocation method
  • Target business model
  • Exit strategies

The material developed by our professionals also provides tax guidelines for cross-boarder deals. Read the full article and understand how to prepare for the obstacles that tax complexities can bring to mergers and acquisitions.

Tax considerations during the M&A Journey
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