

Trusted Institutions

The ABCs of creating a childcare centre for the Otipemisiwak Métis Government within Alberta

A classroom is so much more than an institution. Especially for the Otipemisiwak Métis Government within Alberta. For them, and so many other Indigenous Nations, a classroom is a place where children can discover more about their culture, community, and identity. Building strong, resilient communities begins with investing in its youngest members. And in Alberta, Métis youth are paving the way forward.

Building bridges with blocks

At Deloitte, we see work with purpose as fundamental to our organization. Together with the Otipemisiwak Métis Government within Alberta’s Edmonton Child Care Centre, we've helped build a new early learning and childcare (ELCC) action plan for Métis communities across the province. It’s a space where children don't just learn and play, they get to connect with their Métis heritage.

This isn’t just a one-off—we're committed to the long term and generations to come.

Prioritizing cultural reconciliation, this project offers comprehensive support to reduce employment barriers and promote family development through a distinctly Métis approach with the hope of creating up to 450 new childcare spaces across Alberta over the next decade.

But let's zoom out.

How does work like this match our purpose to make an impact that matters?

We talked to Alexis Martin, a senior manager in our consulting practice, to shed some light on this question.

"Projects like this help us learn and understand more about what it's like to be an Indigenous governing body in this country. By positioning ourselves as facilitators for nation-to-nation collaboration within Canada, we gain insights that inform our approach to other similar projects, ensuring we remain sensitive and responsive to the unique needs of different communities."

“Together, we redesigned programs that support families and ensure better outcomes for children. It wasn’t just about replicating the traditional early learning and childcare model. It was about asking the right questions and being smart, wise, and sensitive to help the Otipemisiwak Métis Government within Alberta articulate what makes their future uniquely theirs.”

Across Canada, ELCC programs are crucial but often hard to find. Together, we're not just meeting immediate needs but doing so in a way that supports social, economic, and environmental reconciliation in spaces where voices have historically been silenced.

At Deloitte, we’re dedicated to helping Canadian institutions perform when they need to

That means equipping companies, NGOs, governments, regulators, and community organizations with cooperative capabilities they need to create belonging and security for all Canadians.

"This project marks the start of a long journey that goes beyond financial year reporting into a generational sense of making significant changes for Canada. By creating a model for culturally relevant early learning and childcare, we're setting a precedent for sustainable, inclusive development that benefits future generations.”

“Projects like this one put Deloitte on the right side of history, contributing to a broader societal shift towards recognizing and supporting Indigenous rights and governance."

Our service imperatives

Meet our leader

Sheri Penner's profile image
Sheri Penner

Vice Chair and Managing Partner

Purpose & Sustainability for Deloitte Canada, Relationship Accelerator Lead for Deloitte Global

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