
Get paid to do what you love

By Michael Haddad

Analyst | Financial Advisory Services

Okay, so you’ve been accepted to a first round of interviews with Deloitte. Now what? If you’re like most students, you start to panic. Panic is a positive reaction because it means you care about the opportunity in front of you. Researching the firm and your potential responsibilities are crucial to having a successful interview, yet one aspect of preparation always seems to go underrated: knowing yourself. If you are not motivated and excited by the job, then life is going to, well, suck.

The key is to figure out what intrigues you most about a business because being passionate about something makes the learning curve seem less steep and more fun. Showing a passion in something makes you stand out during the recruitment process, it underlines your appreciation for the work a company does and it makes you way more interesting than any other cookie cutter candidate.

Suppose you are interviewing for a Strategy Consulting position. Of the many responsibilities related to the job, select a few which you find the most interesting. This will help you better demonstrate why you’re the right candidate and it will undoubtedly make you more driven to land the job.

In my case, I was always curious about a company’s business models and operations (i.e. how they make money). I also knew that learning about several industries would be key – especially in a field like corporate finance. This made job hunting a lot less demanding as I could see the relevance of my interests in the roles I was applying for. Now that I work at Deloitte, I see my work as challenging problems I look forward to solving, rather than something I dread.

This may all seem vague and irrelevant to you at the moment, but as you start interviewing and pursuing your career, it will hopefully become more relatable. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. That being said, start figuring out what you love and then use those passions to your advantage. That combination will turn you into someone who not only performs at a much higher level, but also enjoys what they do.


Michael is a recent graduate of McGill University majoring in Finance. He is currently an Analyst at our Montreal practice.

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