Sean Delsnider

Powering sustainability with data and technology
Meet Sean

Sean brings a dynamic blend of passion and clarity to his role in driving sustainability initiatives. Raised in the prairies with a strong agricultural backdrop, Sean developed a deep-rooted appreciation for nature, which continues to influence his work today. His blend of diverse experiences, technical acumen, and passion for innovation positions him uniquely to drive meaningful change in companies across Canada.

From prairie roots to global stages

Growing up in Saskatchewan—the Land of the Living Skies—Sean was constantly surrounded by the vastness of the prairies. His path toward sustainability advisory was instilled early in his childhood, through his mother’s influence and passion as “a staunch advocate for all things sustainability. My mom taught my sister and I about the importance of recycling, and appreciating nature and wildlife, at a very young age.”

Another major role model Sean credits as the inspiration for his eventual foray into advisory services is his grandfather. “My grandfather on my mom’s side, was Managing Partner of one of the big four and so from day one, I always had that in my mind—that I wanted to be a trusted advisor, just like him.” This ultimately sparked his curiosity to explore a career in business.

A competitive jazz musician, Sean played the tenor saxophone, performing in jazz competitions in Canada, the US, and overseas, “In addition to playing the tenor saxophone, I also managed the business side of our group. We played countless gigs a year, and working with various clients and managing our jazz quintet fuelled my interest in pursuing a business career.”

This led to the start of Sean’s professional journey into sustainability. A pivotal move to Calgary is where he pursued both education and a career in the vibrant energy sector.

Carolyn and her husband enjoying the breathtaking mountain-top view

Experiencing the sunrise alongside a hot air balloon in Teotihuacan, Mexico with this partner, Chris

A journey through energy

Reflecting on a decade-long tenure within the energy industry, Sean acquired a comprehensive understanding of its intricate value chain, spanning from upstream exploration to downstream delivery. This experience not only sharpened his technical expertise but also sparked a desire to transition into sustainability, viewing it as the next frontier for impactful change.

“At Shell and then Baker Hughes, I gained experience in upstream, midstream, and downstream, and oilfield services. The combination of these two opportunities gave me an appreciation of the value levers of the energy sector and where there was an opportunity to do things more sustainably.”

More than just the environment

In addition to the environmental aspect of sustainability, Sean is a firm believer that without the consideration of social factors, a just transition will not be possible. Sean has been an advocate for diversity, equity, inclusion through his leadership with organizations like Start Proud, Canada’s largest collective of 2SLGBTQ+ students and professionals, aimed at achieving their objective of “enabling opportunities and advocating for a world where equality is simply just the norm.”

“I firmly believe in leadership at all levels, not just at the top. And I value diverse perspectives, as everyone brings a unique viewpoint. Creating a safe space for people to share their ideas leads to more effective solutions.”

Carolyn and her husband enjoying the breathtaking mountain-top view

Wandering the streets of Paris

Seeking new horizons and insights

After a decade in the energy sector, Sean sought a change and joined Deloitte, initially in Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) and eventually Sustainability.

“I wanted to broaden my aperture, explore other industries, and make a difference. And joining Deloitte allowed me to work across multiple sectors through M&A projects, exposing me to the intricacies of various industries.”

His time at Deloitte has brought Sean to a place where he brings all his experience to bare and champions the technology aspect of sustainability, viewing it as a pivotal catalyst for driving change in addressing climate challenges. He underscores the critical role of collaboration and ecosystem engagement in tackling these global issues, stressing the need for unified efforts across industries.

“I saw sustainability as an opportunity to make a real impact. We work with some of Canada’s largest companies to improve efficiency, reduce emissions, and ensure their relevance for the coming decades.”

Carolyn and her husband enjoying the breathtaking mountain-top view

Enjoying a sunny day in the majestic Canadian Rockies

Harnessing tech and data for insights and efficiency

In his role, Sean and his team empower clients by leveraging data and technology to navigate the complexities of sustainability. They focus on consolidating and standardizing data to enhance decision-making and drive Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) performance improvements. Sean emphasizes that a robust data foundation is essential for businesses to thrive in a rapidly evolving market, ensuring they can make informed decisions that align with sustainability goals.

“Technology and data are crucial for sustainability, but the data is often scattered and unstructured.”

Sean's team helps clients use data and technology to:

  1. Understand sustainability metrics and compliance
  2. Address data gaps for a single, comprehensive source of truth for ESG data
  3. Enhance supply chain transparency and compliance
  4. Optimize energy use for cost and emission reductions
  5. Shift from compliance to strategic ESG performance

“I saw sustainability as an opportunity to make a real impact. We work with some of Canada’s largest companies to improve efficiency, reduce emissions, and ensure their relevance for the coming decades.”

—Sean Delsnider

Why embracing sustainability is urgent

“Future-proofing your organization through sustainability offers a competitive edge by enabling innovation, operational optimization, and cost reduction. This also helps attract talent, access funding, and meet consumer expectations.”

Looking ahead, Sean remains committed to pushing the boundaries of sustainability through innovation and technology. He advocates for an inclusive approach to achieving net-zero emissions, emphasizing the importance of reskilling in resource-based economies like Canada. Drawing inspiration from successful transitions in the energy sector, Sean envisions a future where sustainable practices not only mitigate risks but also unlock new opportunities for growth and resilience.

“I'm excited and committed to leveraging technology to drive the sustainability revolution.”

Connect with Sean

Meet the others
We hope you enjoyed finding out a bit more about Sean. Our sustainability team is always here to help, so please get in touch if you’d like to learn more. To meet other members of the team, continue reading below. We’ll introduce you to someone new every month.
Sree Balakrishnan
Bridging data and sustainability
Jennifer Shulman
The economics of equity in ESG decision-making
Jürgen Beier
A climate change advocate connecting his passion for the energy industry with decarbonization and sustainability