
Annie Dubreuil

Director | Consulting

Annie Dubreuil

La Tour Deloitte

1190 Avenue des Canadiens-de-Montréal




H3B 0M7

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Annie Dubreuil is a director in Deloitte’s Consulting practice. She has a combined 25 years of experience in sales, management, and delivery and has worked with SAP technologies since 1996. Annie has developed in-depth industry knowledge through her time spent managing in the manufacturing and utility sectors. She now mainly focuses on the logistics of customer relationships. Annie has worked on projects that span a wide range of industries and organizations, allowing her to distill complex concepts and best practices for her clients. Her strong analytical skills and positive energy enable her to find a pragmatic solution for her clients. Striving to provide the best experience for her clients, she quickly integrates into client projects with enthusiasm and optimism. As an excellent listener, Annie is an effective communicator who favours a transparent, open approach to all her working relationships.

Annie Dubreuil