
Big data and analytics in the automotive industry

A special collection of insights for automakers from our thought leaders on analytics

The automotive industry continues to face a growing number of challenges and pressures. Cost pressure, competition, globalization, market shifts, and volatility are all increasing. At the same time, big data and analytics today offer previously unthinkable possibilities for tackling these and many other challenges automakers face. Our global team of automotive specialists has authored this collection of articles with the hopes of sharing what possibilities analytics offers your company and what you should consider when considering an analytics-driven initiative.

Analytics is a powerful tool. However, applying analytics effectively requires knowledge and experience beyond statistics, operations, or information technology. Analytics done right requires a comprehensive set of capabilities that intersect and integrate with multiple functions and skill teams across an enterprise.

We welcome your feedback and stand ready to meet with you to discuss these perspectives, our experience, and potential impacts to your organization.

Featured articles

The evolution of decision-making requires a new style of management
Analytics: The relevant knowledge has to be filtered out of masses of data

The evolution of the customer experience
Using analytics to enhance how automakers engage with consumers

Customer behavior analytics: A game changer in automotive customer retention
A new customer strategy approach for automotive OEMs and beyond

Marketing spend management through advanced analytics
Continuous analysis of the marketing mix permits an overview of cause and effect16

Cracking the code for global supply chain management
Using data analytics to manage risk and drive growth 18

Predictive quality analytics may help identify problems before they occur
Quality leadership is becoming more important for manufacturers in terms of cost and brand image

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