Deloitte Tax@hand


Deloitte tax@hand newsfeed

Global news, local views

Download Deloitte tax@hand newsfeed

or visit the tax@hand website:

Now with more countries, the Deloitte tax@hand newsfeed delivers focused tax news & information relevant to you, on any device.

Deloitte tax@hand is:

  • In-depth - a single source for tax news, perspectives and links to tax rates, tools & more, for 65 jurisdictions
  • Customizable - select the topics, geographies and content in languages that are relevant to you 
  • Timely - keep up-to-date on global tax news
  • Flexible - build a custom library of saved articles to read now, or later
  • Global - news and information from an extensive list of countries, with more jurisdictions & language filters being added regularly
Deloitte tax@hand

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