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Corporate social responsibility

The challenges facing our planet and our society are varied and vast, beyond the ability of any one person or organization to solve, and all the more reason why everyone needs to take ownership and work together. With this in mind, Deloitte China has produced this Corporate Responsibility Report to share the firm's journey on building CSR into its own business model, and to invite readers to share their respective experiences and observations.

Deloitte "Pass the Torch" Student Mentoring Program Graduation Booklet (2017-2020)

Glowing colors

[Bilingual version]

This commemorative book reflects what has been achieved for the past 3 years of the Deloitte "Pass the Torch" Student Mentoring Program. "Glowing colors" brings heartfelt wishes to our graduates hoping that they can develop their own capabilities and shine their unique colors in the society – just like the different spectrum of a rainbow glowing in the sky.

A rainbow is made of both sunshine and rain. Mentoring provides the important elements for our student mentees to thrive and brighten them up. Thank you to all our mentors for the active participation in the program and the continuous support from our school partners.

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