
Deloitte China hosts "Team Deloitte Set to Shine in Paris" sharing session at Olympic Qualifier Series 2024 in Shanghai

Sharing session features break dancing competitor and Deloitte professional Tiffany Leung about Gender Equality, Diversity, Inclusion (GEDI), and athletes support

Published date: 22 May 2024

The Olympic Qualifier Series 2024 in Shanghai will soon begin with a spectacular ceremony, welcoming top athletes from all over the world to strive to realise their dream of competing at Olympic Games Paris 2024 in breaking, sport climbing, skateboarding and freestyle BMX.

As part of Deloitte’s The Olympic Partner (TOP) program partnership with the International Olympic Committee (IOC), Deloitte China is proud and excited to bring our Deloitte brand space with service capability showcase to the Olympic Qualifier Series 2024, where along with our people to cheer on Tiffany Leung, a consultant from Deloitte Canada, first-time hopeful and member from Team Deloitte, who will participate in the breaking competition.

Team Deloitte has drawn on Deloitte’s history of attracting and supporting elite athletes – and status as a Worldwide Olympic and Paralympic Partner – to bring together roster of more than 20 elite athletes who are also Deloitte professionals. They are joined by a small cohort of Deloitte-sponsored athletes. Together, these athletes share one goal: to compete at the Olympic and Paralympic Games Paris 2024.

Deloitte Canada professional Tiffany Leung, as one of these athletes, is a shining example of Deloitte China’s commitment to its employee value proposition (EVP) of "Shaping Future Talent through Impact that Matters", which encourages younger generations to be brave in pursuing their dreams. To share this commitment, on 14 May Deloitte China hosted the Team Deloitte Set to Shine in Paris sharing session, where Tiffany Leung generously took a pitstop on her road to Paris 2024 to interact with and inspired other young Deloitte professionals.

In 2022, Deloitte and the IOC announced a decade-long "partnership with purpose". Through this partnership, Deloitte provides the IOC with management and business consulting services, including digital strategy and transformation as well as sustainability, diversity, and inclusion strategy, to help advance the IOC’s Olympic Agenda 2020+5 goals—an ambitious change agenda to modernize the Olympic Movement. In addition, Deloitte helps the IOC achieve gender parity at Games-time.

Deloitte China CEO Patrick Tsang says, "Breaking will make its Olympic Games debut at Paris 2024 and we are thrilled to see a Deloitte professional participate in the Olympic Qualifier Series competition. The focus, determination, effort, resilience, and relentless commitment to continuous improvement of a great athlete are similar qualities to those needed to succeed in our profession. Deloitte China consistently advocates its "4+1" culture of "Courage, Innovation, Inclusion, Wellbeing + Integrity", and we always aim to inspire our people to strive to realize their full potential, develop their strengths, and work together to build a diverse, open, and supportive environment in the workplace."

Deloitte China Vice Chair David Wu adds, "In 2022, Deloitte worked with the IOC to launch its Athlete365 Mentoring program, which supports a cohort of Olympians and Paralympians as they transition into thriving careers beyond elite sport."

Deloitte's role as a TOP partner is to help the IOC digitally transform and progress, to reach many more achievements in sustainability, DEI, the fan experience, and athlete’s career transition. Deloitte also hopes to keep the best experiences from Paris 2024 for future Olympic Games and other international sporting events to make them more accessible and diverse.

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