Deloitte China CFO Program 2021 Q1 China CFO Survey Invitation
We sincerely invite you to participate in the 2021 Q1 China CFO Survey targeting Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) working in China Mainland, Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR, aiming to collect views about the economy, the industry, the companies, technology as well as the finance departments to provide benchmarking and identifying trends. Your feedback will allow us to draw combined views on how CFOs in different sectors have been prepared for 2021.
This online survey is under our China CFO Program as part of the broader project run by the Deloitte global organization. It will take you not more than 15 minutes to complete the online questionnaire. Please click here to complete the survey by 28 February, 2021 (Sunday).
We will be reporting back to you our survey findings, which can be a reference for any of your benchmarking and peer comparison.
Thank you for supporting our China CFO Program, and please contact us if you have any questions or feedback.
Ms. Emily Leung
Deloitte China CFO Program Director
Please click here or scan the QR code below to participant in the survey.

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