Change and Innovation, New thinking of HRM


Change and Innovation, New thinking of HRM

HCAS Quarterly Issue No.1, 2017

The world updating speed nowadays has grown more rapidly than our imagination and the technology innovation keeps overturning the way we work and the way we live. To the enterprises, digital age is more than technology innovation. Anything from business modes to human resources can be inevitably involved into this wave. When the business and market are heading towards customer-centric, human resources is leaning towards employee- centric. The trend can be seen from cognitive recruiting skills, brand new working environment and redesign and also can be found from the first time to contact with potential employers to the employee working experience tracking after retirement. All of these are about the new challenges, new roles and new rules that human resources have to face with in this digital age.

The HCAS Quarterly has condensed trend watch in frontier areas of management and summarized experiences in projects and practice from the professional team. Concerned with topics as organizations and posts, talents incentive, global talent management, 6 articles are featured in this issue:

  • Practice sharing on traditional organization evolving into network organization, which provides numerous practices on organization design and proposes "organization in the future" with its form of network and features.
  • Innovative approaches to traditional position design problem: fanning out from a point and with flexibility, which puts forward a new concept named "position library" and the specific idea of service module and the position segmentation.
  • Generalized System of Preferences or Elitism? Discussions on the role playing of Partnerships. Based on case study, an illustration is given on two typical thoughts about Partnerships, generalized system of preferences and elitism and also an analysis has been done on the new form of partnership "the fortune partner".
  • Discussions on problems equity incentives for employees bringing to the returning overseas red chips. The difficulties overseas red chips trying to go back to list on the A Share will be faced with when cleaning and reconstructing equity incentives has been discussed.
  • Power the talent management with international management strategy. It brings forward a competency model of expatriate managers and gives out a systematic introduction on talent evaluation model with international management strategy.
  • Sharing of human resources services, are you ready? The passage takes an example the feasibility study on construction of a multinational system supplier service sharing center and summarizes Deloitte Experiences when planning for the service sharing center.


Deloitte Human Capital Advisory Services

Deloitte Human Capital Advisory Services provides a full range of advisory services in China, including Organization, Performance and Cultural Integration, Human Resources Transformation, Total Rewards, Talent Management and Leadership Development.

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